We hope that you are proud of the education you received at VID, and that you not only gained solid knowledge in your field of study, but also a strong network, and friends and acquaintances that you can benefit from for the rest of your life.
Through the VID alumni network, you can establish and develop relationships while staying up-to-date with your field. For VID, staying in contact with our alumni is important to maintain our close connection to the workforce and focus on relevance in education.
As an alumnus, you can get involved as a guest lecturer or speaker at various events, or contribute as a mentor for our students. Alumni also have the opportunity to attend several of our events or organize a reunion for their class.
Therefore, we would love to keep in touch with you, even after you have completed your studies. Please register as a VID alumnus in the registration form below. By doing so, you will receive information about courses and further education, newsletters, and invitations to alumni gatherings.
You can also follow us on LinkedIn or other social media platforms and become a part of our network there.
Register as a VID alumnus here.