VID provides training and research that equip clergy, managers and staff members for service in church and society, in Norway as well as in the worldwide church. For VID Stavanger, the missionary and global perspective remains as important today as when the college was founded in 1843.
What will your support go towards?
With a donation to VID Stavanger you will support:
VID maintains a strong focus on mission, training of clergy and further education of clergy from all over the world. We wish to strengthen our existing base, while seeking to achieve an even stronger voice in church and mission contexts, in Norway as well as abroad.
The focus will be placed on research, but the global and missionary dimension will be included here as well.
Global scholarship programme
A global scholarship programme for international master’s degree students in theology from our collaborating partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
How can I donate?
If you wish to make a donation you can use account number 8220 02 85065.
You can also send a SMS to 2490 with the text VID MHS and give a gift of NOK 200.
If you want to become a regular donor, please contact us by e-mail or contact Anne Brit Hatleskog. E-mail: Telephone: +47 51 51 62 18.
Tax deduction
Donations to VID Stavanger are considered grants to scientific research and professional training and are eligible for a tax deduction. Please note that this scheme is different from the one that applies to donations to NGOs. You can therefore donate both to VID Stavanger and to an NGO and in both cases you will be granted a tax deduction.