To unge jenter sitter på en benk foran en spilevegg og smiler til hverandre.


Tre sykepleierstudenter går utendørs. Rundt dem er det grønne løvtrær.

Become a nurse

Do you want to become a nurse and pursue a meaningful and fulfilling career? Working as a nurse allows you to be there for people during their most vulnerable moments, and there are abundant opportunities for specialization and further education beyond a bachelor's degree.

Tre studenter står utendørs. De smiler og ler.

Working with people - Social work

Do you want to become a social worker or work in child welfare, with substance abuse care, mental health, correctional care or integration measures for refugees? The possibilities are many if you choose social studies. The important thing is that you enjoy working with people. Do you already work in social studies and want to take further education? VID has the studies for you.

Mann i ergoterapi med terapeut som trener med strikk

Working with people - health professions

Do you want to work with people? Do you want to help make the world a better place? Or do you already work in the health sector and want to take continuing education? VID has the studies for you.

To studenter i samtale

Social studies

Are you particularly concerned about the society we live in? Do you want to help create a sustainable future? Are you passionate about inclusion and diversity? VID has bachelor's, master's and continuing education in social studies.

Kvinne peker på en post-itlapp på en vegg mens hun snakker til to personer

Leadership studies

Do you have leadership ambitions? Or are you already working as a manager and want to take further education? VID University of Science has a master's and further education in value-based management.

Ung mann med rød hettegenser ser i kamera og smiler

Educations for nurses

Som sosionom vil du få muligheten til å arbeide tett med enkeltpersoner, grupper og familier for å gi dem verktøyene de trenger for å skape en bedre fremtid.

Tre diakonistudenter i biblioteket

Become a deacon

As a deacon, you are a bridge-builder between the church and the community. Diaconia is often explained as the caring service of the church. You get the opportunity to work closely with people of different ages and life situations.

Smilende kvinnelig prest med blondt hår og briller ser i kamera

Study theology

You don't have to become a priest to study theology. It also allows you to explore and understand religion, faith, spirituality, and the profound questions about human existence. The theology studies we offer are also open to those belonging to other church communities. For many, theology is a study of education and formation that will challenge you intellectually through studies and community with fellow students and staff.

Nærbilde av hender som skriver på an laptop

Online studies and blended learning, theology

Are you one of those who want to study theology, but do not have the opportunity to physically attend classes on campus? Have you thought about further education because you ultimately want to work in the church, or do you simply have some extra time and want to study more? VID Stavanger offers several theology courses and programs as online and blended learning studies.

By taking Flex-teol, you can acquire theological expertise over time. Online studies make it easy to study no matter where you live. All individual subjects are part of the Bachelor in Theology and the Professional programme in Theology.

En jente med rødt hår holder en kaffekopp mens hun ser på nettbasert undervisning på sin laptop

Online studies and blended learning

As a higher education student, you have various choices when it comes to how you want to pursue your studies. At VID Specialized University, we provide online and blended learning study options for bachelor's and master's level programs.

Below, you can find a list of online and blended learning programs that are not specifically related to theology. For online theology studies, please take a look at our dedicated section.