EndNote is a useful tool for collecting and organising your references. Once you have installed the software on your device (PC or Mac) and built up a collection of references, you can use these directly in your Word document. As you write your article, thesis, or other text, EndNote will help you ensure that the references and reference list are correct.
You should install the EndNote software before you attend the course, so you can practice working in EndNote during the course. You can read more about access to the software on the web page EndNote and Zotero (sett inn lenke). VID has EndNote licenses for Master's students, Ph.D. candidates, and staff. Zotero is an alternative reference tool that we recommend for bachelor students. Sign up for the course by noon the day before the course. The Zoom link to the course will be sent out after the registration deadline has expired. Please note that courses may be cancelled if too few people sign up.