Fasting is a time to reflect on our lives, a time for our inner struggle, self-control, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and to focus on people who are in less privileged situations than ourselves. There is great solemnity in this.
I know that many of your thoughts during this year’s Ramadan have been with Gaza, where everyone is affected by the immense human suffering and material destruction. Some of you have close relatives who are directly affected. I look forward to a time when the hostilities are finally over, Gaza can be rebuilt, and human life can flourish.
An institution open to different beliefs
As the rector of a values-based, scientific college with a church affiliation, I would like to take this opportunity to clearly state that VID aims to be a welcoming home for people of different faiths and beliefs. VID should be an institution open to different beliefs where various faiths and beliefs can enrich our work environment and study environment. As a visible expression of this, VID has ensured in its campus development that we have both chapels and interfaith rooms on our campuses in Stavanger, Bergen, and Oslo. These are spaces we can all enjoy using from time to time.
I hope that as an institution open to different beliefs, we can be respectful and curious in encountering each other's faiths and beliefs. What does Ramadan mean to you in practice? What does it mean to receive communion as a Christian? And how does it feel to have a non-religious belief at VID? These are open questions that students and colleagues can provide many different answers to.
I am committed to creating a sense of security and openness together in having and practicing different faiths and beliefs. "Belief security," as opposed to what one might call "belief sensitivity," is for me an expression of unity and profound respect for each other. My impression is that many would be interested in studying and working at an institution that takes faith and belief seriously and actively facilitates religious and belief practice. Perhaps in this way, we can even better meet society's needs within our fields of study?
Once again, a joyful Eid celebration!