By organizing EU COST meetings at universities, the action aims to promote networking between members and employees at the host institution. Members who came to the meeting represented the following countries: Albania, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States.
The meeting was divided into workshops before lunch and the working group's work in the afternoon. The European Cooperation in Science and Technology funded the meeting. The local organiser of the meeting was Professor Dr Zada Pajalic, a member of the network.
The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Elisabeth Jeppsen, opened the meeting with a short welcome speech. The leaders of this action are Professor Geraldine Leader & Dr Zeynep Şahin Timar thanked VID for the opportunity to organise the meeting on its premises and wished for rich networking during the upcoming workshops. The meeting was attended by a guest of honour, Senior advisor at the municipal services department, Pia Braathen Schønfeldt from the Norwegian Department of Health and Care Services.
Professor Zada Pajalic organised and held a participatory workshop using the Story Dialogue Method (SDM) and was assisted by Doctoral student Helga Vallin Moen and associate Professor Nadia Alazraq. The trigger for SDM structured discussions was the Romibo robot, a toy used as a medical device for autism spectrum disorder and Intellectual Disability. All participants at the meeting were invited to this session. The product of this session will be a joint scientific article.
Leader of the Autism Association in Norway Annette Drangsholt presented "The Autism Association in Norway, Who We Are and Our Purpose". Senior Researcher from the Norwegian Computing Centre, Juan Carlos Torrado presented "Use of SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support) in the context of a research project involving robots and children with autism". Human-Computer Interaction and Accessibility Researcher Dr. Leandro Soares Guedes presented “Designing accessible technology with people with intellectual disabilities”.