In the autumn of 2021, VID started a flexible, decentralised, group-based nursing education in Helgeland with two years of support to prepare and carry out the first year of study. In autumn 2022, a new cohort of students will start. The purpose of the project is to operate and further develop the study, particularly towards the students' practice in rural areas.
The project has two work packages. One aimed at developing the existing education and one at further developing the study on the basis of experiences from previously completed and ongoing projects both in the region and in other parts of VID, including Guidance teams for collaboration in municipal practice and Kickstart in nursing homes with the digital learning and assessment tool Response.
The municipalities in Helgeland are district municipalities where a majority has between 1000-5000 residents. The region is a large geographical area with a dispersed population. The project must therefore be organized and carried out adapted to rural municipalities.
In addition, a separate subject adapted to challenges in the region is prepared and implemented. The subject is prepared and implemented in collaboration with local partners. The aim is to secure candidates in district nursing, emergency medicine and welfare technology.
Other participants from VID: Anita Lyssand, Jorunn Hov, Trude Jægtvik, Bjørg Torill Stranden Langmo