Based on experience with the completion of the first 30 credits, with this project, we want further to expand the offer with a new 30 credits. This will amount to a study offer corresponding to 60 credits taken over two years. While the first project was about the development of theoretical subjects, this project will also focus on preparation for working life through courses that deal with practice for this student group.
Many questions must be explored when people with intellectual disabilities are to take part in a new social arena. There is a need to examine different aspects of developing a study offer for this target group.
The project will have a twofold focus:
1. Further development of academic, educational, and social provisions. Focus on developing and anchoring the study offers in existing programs at VID Specialized University to create a sustainable offer.
2. To explore more closely the student role and the teacher role. It also involves taking a closer look at the surrounding support structures and how these promote or inhibit opportunities for the participation of students with intellectual disabilities in the university arena.