The project was initiated by the Study Center RKK in Ytre Helgeland and springs from experience that characteristics and needs in the districts mean that study facilities, such as professional training, should be provided in a facility that ensures good services locally. The aim of the project is to develop a curriculum and model for a master's degree in child welfare work that can be offered decentralized part-time so that employees can have work connections while they study. The course must be designed so that it meets regional competence needs and provides district-friendly education with a high relevance to working life. A decentralized study model will provide the opportunity to build expertise locally. A decentralized master's program will also provide opportunities for research and development work in close collaboration with child protection services in the region.
The project has three parts:
1) Develop a curriculum adapted to the district (which special aspects of a professional nature should be emphasized in the study plan with a district profile) based on an accredited study plan in master's education in child protection work at VID and Regulations on national guidelines for master's education in child protection work.
2) Prepare a plan for the offer and implementation of the study, practical and educational.
3) Survey the applicant base and infrastructure for the possibility of completing the master's study in child welfare work in Helgeland