Approved by the Vice-Rector for Research on 29.11.2018, revised on 20.01.2022 and 25.01.2024
Open Access contributes to making scientific publications freely available, either through open publishing channels (Gold OA) or by depositing research results in open institutional research archives (Green OA).
VID’s guidelines support the national goals and guidelines for open access to scientific articles from the Ministry of Education and Research and the Research Council of Norway.
The goal is that all articles from the research these actors finance will be published with open access from 2024. Thus, researchers, industry, and the public gain access to the latest research and can quickly put it to use.
- Researchers have academic freedom and decide for themselves which journals they want to publish in.
- Researchers should explore the possibilities of publishing their articles in open access journals, preferably gold or diamond.
- Such publishing routes are chosen where this is academically justifiable. When publishing in hybrid journals, which are included in a publishing agreement, you do not need to apply to VID’s Open Access fund to be granted support. Such publishing routes are chosen where this is academically justifiable.
- If two or more journals are considered equivalent and one of them is a gold or diamond open access journal, this should be chosen.
- Upon publishing, researchers register their scientific works in Cris, and upload the articles to Cris for archiving in the research archive.
- If an article is published with an open license, the published version should be uploaded to Cris and made available in the research archive.
- If researchers affiliated with VID publish in a closed subscription journal, the accepted version (author’s accepted manuscript – AAM) should be uploaded to Cristin and made available in the research archive.
- All peer-reviewed, scientific journal articles where VID is credited, should be deposited in the research archive no later than the time of publication.
- Theses are delivered electronically for archiving in the research archive, cf. Guidelines and supplementary provisions for the Ph.D. programs at VID Scientific College Chap. 4 Publication of the dissertation, item d
- Employees are encouraged to make their scientific monographs and anthology chapters available in the research archive.
- The library is responsible for information and administrative support to the academic communities,
- The library is responsible for making publications available in the research archive.
- The library checks the publisher’s guidelines for self-archiving and assesses which version can possibly be archived in the research archive.
- The library administers VID’s Open Access fund (the publishing fund).