Woman with hijab and a young girl sitting on the grass in a park

Minority competence in the child welfare service

CE | Part-time | 1 years | Online study

Woman with hijab and a young girl sitting on the grass in a park

Working with children and families with a different background from the majority population has become a major part of the national child welfare work. This continuing education programme focuses on how personnel in the child welfare service can strengthen their expertise in their dealings with children and families with a minority background.

About the programme

  • Application start February 1, 2024
    Application deadline April 16, 2024
    Start date September 18, 2024
    ECTS Credits 30
    Supported by Lånekassen No
    Duration 1 year
    Language of instruction Norwegian
    Tuition Fee
    • Semester fee NOK 590
    • Copy fee/student council NOK 320
    • Tuition fees NOK
    • Administration fee NOK 39
    • Total per semester NOK 949
    Admission requirements

    Admission requirements Stavanger

    Videreutdanningen retter seg primært mot ansatte i det kommunale barnevernet, men kan også være aktuell for ansatte i andre deler av barnevernfeltet. De som er ansatte i den kommunale barneverntjenesten vil prioriteres ved opptak til studiet. Det kreves

    Til studiet prioriteres søkere som har en stilling på minimum 50 % i det kommunale barnevernet og som anbefales opptak av sin arbeidsgiver gjennom det standardiserte vedleggsskjemaet. Personer uten anbefaling, men med minimum 50 % stilling i det kommunale barnevernet, vil være andreprioritet. Til slutt er det mulig å gi tilbud til ansatte med minimum 50 % stilling i andre stillinger relatert til barnevern. Søkere innenfor hver gruppe rangeres basert på karakterpoeng fra bachelor. Det gis ikke tilleggspoeng for relevant yrkespraksis og utdanning etter bachelor.


    Følgende må lastes opp i søknadsweb når du søker.

    • Vitnemål fra bachelorgrad
    • En eller flere signerte arbeidsattester som inneholder fra dato og til dato, hvor du har jobbet og stillingsprosent. Attesten må dokumentere at du har arbeidstilknytning i barnevernet.
    • Skjema med anbefaling om deltakelse på barnevernsfaglig videreutdanning

    CV, lønnsslipper og arbeidskontrakter godkjennes ikke som dokumentasjon på arbeidspraksis.

    Søkere med utenlandsk utdanning må dokumentere at de oppfyller krav til norsk- og engelskkunnskaper i Forskrift om opptak til høgre utdanning (For-2017-01-06-13).


  • Target group

    The continuing education programme is primarily aimed at employees in the municipal child welfare service throughout Norway. The programme is a collaboration between the Centre for Intercultural Communication, the programme area for culture and religious science at VID Stavanger, and the Department for Social Studies at the University of Stavanger.

  • Objective of the programme

    The continuing education programme aims to help strengthen child welfare personnel’s expertise in ensuring that children and families with a minority background receive the help and assistance they need.

    Students will learn how to critically evaluate and further develop their own knowledge, skills and attitudes. This means focusing on how processes related to migration, culture and diversity affect the circumstances of the minority population and the interaction between minorities and the child welfare service. The goal is for students to be able to evaluate and apply different perspectives, theories and evidence-based methods that promote equality in the service provision.

  • Content of the programme

    The study programme has an interdisciplinary approach, with the aim of child welfare workers being able to handle complex multidisciplinary matters that include individual, social, economic, socio-political and cultural aspects. Students will also learn how, in order to be able to understand other people’s perspectives and horizons of understanding, knowledge is needed of how culture can serve as a frame of reference for lifestyle and behavioural choices. Such knowledge is necessary for facilitating and providing measures that children and families consider useful and effective. Critical and reflexive basic theories linked to the assumptions and knowledge on which child welfare practice is based therefore play an important role. The aim is for the child welfare worker to be able to use inclusive approaches in the interaction with children and families with a minority ethnic background, in child welfare assessments and in the implementation of measures for this group. The study programme is also based on the belief that all people have several identities and that increased minority competence is not only useful in the work with minority families but has relevance for work with all families in the child welfare service.

    The continuing education programme will have a special focus on skills training and the practical application of theory to help child welfare workers deal with difficult situations in a constructive and professional manner.

Videreutdanning i minoritetskompetanse

Arbeid med barn og familier med en annen bakgrunn enn majoritetsbefolkningen er blitt en stor del av det nasjonale barnevernsarbeidet. Denne videreutdanningen setter fokus på hvordan ansatte i barnevernet kan styrke sin kompetanse i å møte barn og familier med minoritetsbakgrunn.


  • Target group

    The continuing education programme is primarily aimed at employees in the municipal child welfare service throughout Norway. The programme is a collaboration between the Centre for Intercultural Communication, the programme area for culture and religious science at VID Stavanger, and the Department for Social Studies at the University of Stavanger.

  • Objective of the programme

    The continuing education programme aims to help strengthen child welfare personnel’s expertise in ensuring that children and families with a minority background receive the help and assistance they need.

    Students will learn how to critically evaluate and further develop their own knowledge, skills and attitudes. This means focusing on how processes related to migration, culture and diversity affect the circumstances of the minority population and the interaction between minorities and the child welfare service. The goal is for students to be able to evaluate and apply different perspectives, theories and evidence-based methods that promote equality in the service provision.

  • Content of the programme

    The study programme has an interdisciplinary approach, with the aim of child welfare workers being able to handle complex multidisciplinary matters that include individual, social, economic, socio-political and cultural aspects. Students will also learn how, in order to be able to understand other people’s perspectives and horizons of understanding, knowledge is needed of how culture can serve as a frame of reference for lifestyle and behavioural choices. Such knowledge is necessary for facilitating and providing measures that children and families consider useful and effective. Critical and reflexive basic theories linked to the assumptions and knowledge on which child welfare practice is based therefore play an important role. The aim is for the child welfare worker to be able to use inclusive approaches in the interaction with children and families with a minority ethnic background, in child welfare assessments and in the implementation of measures for this group. The study programme is also based on the belief that all people have several identities and that increased minority competence is not only useful in the work with minority families but has relevance for work with all families in the child welfare service.

    The continuing education programme will have a special focus on skills training and the practical application of theory to help child welfare workers deal with difficult situations in a constructive and professional manner.

Øystein Lund Johannessen

Programme Director

Øystein Lund Johannessen

adjunct associate professor


Elise Fylling


Elise Fylling

rådgiver, opptak


Subject list

  • Tverrfaglige perspektiver på migrasjon, kultur og mangfold
  • Barnevernet i møte med familier og barn med minoritetsbakgrunn