førsteamanuensis Institutt for helseFakultet for helsevitenskap
Misjonsmarka 12, 4024 Stavanger
A 148-A
WP5: Dementia and Welfare Technologies
A Semiotic Analysis of Meanings of Dementia Around the World2024
Affective Citizenship and Dementia Research 2023
Long-term Care: Carceral Spaces in Times of Crisis or Perpetually?2023
Sensory Ethnography & Beyond: Understanding the Role of Smart Technologies in the Lives of People Living with Dementia2022
Phenomenology as theory, epistemology, method, and methodology2020
Senses and other sensibilities: meaning-making in fencing for the blind and visually impaired2016
Cultural construction of disability: blindness and visual impairments2015
Understanding meaning-making processes: Cognitive semiotics and phenomenology2015
Long-Term Care Homes: Carceral Spaces in Times of Crisis or Perpetually?2023, Space and Culture
Using Walking / Go Along Interviews With People in Vulnerable Situations: A Synthesized Review of the Research Literature2023, International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM)
Fencing blindfolded: extending meaning through sound, floor, and blade2022, Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies
Rehab/ituation from a phenomenological perspective: The case of fencing for the blind and visually impaired2019, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
Likestilling og menneskerettigheter2022
Menneskerettigheter og likestilling mellom kjønnene2022
Disability research and sensory methodologies 2016
The meaning of embodied difference in body-based practices: the case of fencing for the blind and visually impaired2016
Queer art of political protest: Belgrade, Serbia2015
Dementia and wearable technologies2020
Construction of Limitations: Cultural Marginalization of Altered Embodiment2016
Proceedings from the Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics 20142015, IPAK.Center - Research Center for Cultures, Politics and Identities
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