professor Senter for diakoni og profesjonell praksis
Diakonveien 14, 0370 Oslo
Diaconal studies in an Interdisciplinary PhD Programme in Norway2024
Faith-based organisations and social innovation for just and inclusive communities? A scoping review2022
Definitions as initial and final point of values research? Searching for Mysteries in research projects about values in organisational and leadership studies2022
Whose cohesion? What cohesion? Liberative theological reflection on young people and faith-based organisations 2021
A common spatial scene? Young people and faith-based organisations at the margins2021
Us and them. Faith-based organisations and street youths in Søndre Nordstrand2021
Combining Secular Public Space and Growing Diversity?Interactions Between Religious Organizations as Welfare Providers and the Public in Sweden2019
Religious literacy in welfare and civil society: A Nordic perspective2018
Faith and Worldview Communities and Their Leaders - Inward or Outward Looking?2018
Changing Religious Landscapes in the Nordic Countries2018
Understanding religious minority communities as civil society actors2017
Women’s Religious Agency: How Swedish Deaconesses Negotiate Secularism and Changes in Welfare Society in Everyday Life?2016
På väg mot en tysk (välfärds)modell? Reflektioner kring möjliga nya vägval för Svenska kyrkan2014
Diakonal work and Research about diakonia in the face of welfare mix and religious pluralism in Sweden and Germany2014
Ledare med kritiska röster? Utmaningar i ledarskap av diakoniinstitutioner med utgångspunt i en jämförande svensk-tysk fallstudie2012
Religionens nya synlighet2012
The German Dilemma : Protestant Agents of Welfare in Reutlingen2010
Diakonins roll i olika välfärdssystem. En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Tyskland2008
Hilfe für Ältere und Generationenverhältnis. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie2008
Dem Kind das Beste zu geben, das bedeutet, die beste Bildung, die möglich ist". Bildung und Bildungsverständnis in interkultureller Perspektive. Ein russlanddeutsches Beispiel2008
Dem Kind das Beste zu geben, das bedeutet, die beste Bildung, die möglich ist. Bildung und Bildungsverständnis in interkultureller Perspektive. Ein russlanddeutsches Beispiel2008
Protestant Agents of Welfare in Germany. The Case of Reutlingen2006
The Development of Two Diaconal Institutions within Two Different Welfare Systems : Diakonistiftelsen Samariterhemmet in Uppsala, Sweden and Evangelisches Diakoniewerk Schwäbisch Hall e.V. in Germany2005
Redd kloden – og kjemp for sosial rettferdighet 2024, Vårt land
Forskningens kompleksitet2022, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Stuck in the Margins? Young people and faith-based organisations in South African and Nordic localities2021, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
On the need of conviviality: Experiences of religious diversity of nordic youth2018, Exchange. Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context
"Røst" eller "service"? : refleksjoner rundt kirkenes rolle som sivilsamfunnsaktør i "flyktningkrisen"2017, Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Hidden by Civil Society and Religion? Diaconal Institutions as Welfare Providers in the Growing Swedish Welfare State2014, Journal of Church and State
Family, Values and Social Commitment through the Prism of Welfare: Reflections Based on a German Case Study in a European Project about Welfare and Values2011, Beliefs and Values: Understanding the Global Implications of Human Nature
Becoming a platform for international and multi-disciplinary research : Some reflections on the review section before the first volume2010, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
Majority Church and Welfare in Sweden: Some reflections on results from two swedish research projects. A Response to Beate Hofman2009, Christian Bioethics
Book Review2016, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
Walter Göggelmann. Gerechtigkeit und Frieden schaffen. Gustav Werners Einsatz für Bildung und Versöhnung2010, Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift
Elisabeth Jalmarsson (ed.), Nya möjligheter. Svenska kyrkans roll i 2000-talets Sverige2010, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender (WaVE). State of the art report B2 : Germany: overview of the national situation2007, Teologiska fakulteten. Centrum för studier av religion och samhälle (CRS)
Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender (WaVE). Case study report D92007, Teologiska fakulteten. Teologiska institutionen
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