Tiggeturisme eller arbeidsinnvandring? Arbeid og tigging i offentlige dokumenter og blant EU-migranter i randsonen av det norske arbeidsmarkedet
2024, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Postsekulære tilnærminger: Nye muligheter for sosialt arbeid i Norge
2023, Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway
2023, Religions
“If we throw the Roma out of the tent, we throw Jesus out of the tent”: Reflections on the role of religious actors in Roma inclusion in Oslo, Norway
2022, The Ecumenical Journal Sibiu (RES)
Blomsterhager og shambaer: Hagebruk innenfor og utenfor en eliteskole i Kenya
2022, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Aalan’s story: Waithood, capital, and categories of youth research and policy in young people’s lives
2021, Journal of Applied Youth Studies (JAYS)
Covid-19 and the Islamic Council of Norway: The social role of religious organizations
2021, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
Religion and integration: religious organisations’ communication in a diverse city district of Oslo, Norway
2020, Journal of Contemporary Religion
The NEET concept in comparative youth research: the Nordic countries and South Africa
2019, Journal of Youth Studies
Counting and meeting NEET young people: Methodology, perspective and meaning in research on marginalized youth
2018, Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research