The importance of belonging: Interactions between individual and structural risk factors for youth-disengagement
2024, International Journal of Social Welfare
How managers influence individual player
performance in English Premier League
2021, International Journal of Sport Management
Spenninger som påvirker styring og ledelse fra førstelinjeledere i Nav
2020, Fontene forskning
Following-up midwives after adverse incidents: How front-line management practices help second victims
2020, Midwifery
Knowledge and Position: How to Manage Ambiguous Public Welfare Work
2019, Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
How Unstandardized Work Tasks Create Arenas for Leadership
2019, Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance
Us and Them – First-line Management and Change
2018, Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Leading for better outcomes: social work as knowledge work
2018, Nordic Social Work Research
A Tale of Two Autonomies
2017, Professions and Professionalism