førsteamanuensis Institutt for sykepleieFakultet for helsevitenskap
Developing and introducing food and nutrition from a human rights perspective in nursing education
Nutrition education in nurse education
Nutrition education for nursing students: A scoping review2024, Nurse Education Today
Human rights education for nursing students: A scoping review2024, Nursing Ethics
Sykehjem som læringsarena for studenters læring om mat og menneskerettigheter2023
Introducing food as human right in nursing education to promote better nutritional care in nursing homes2021
Nursing students' understanding of barriers and enablers to the right to adequate food for nursing home residents2018
Et menneskerettighetsperspektiv i sykepleieutdanningen?2023
Human rights in Norwegian nursing homes – why and how? 2022
Mat, ernæring og måltider for eldre sykehjemsbeboere fra et menneskerettighetsperspektiv. 2021
Utvikling, implementering og evaluering av et læringsdesign for sykepleiestudenter knyttet til mat og ernæring fra et menneskerettighetsperspektiv2017
Menneskerettigheter og matomsorg. Også i Norge står menneskerettighetene på spill2023
Human rights education for nursing students. Introducing a human rights perspective to nutritional care in nurse education 2022, VID Specialized University
Human rights and nutritional care in nurse education: lessons learned2022, Nursing Ethics
Student nurses' experience of learning about the right to food: Situated professional development within clinical placement2021, Nurse Education Today
Student nurses’ views of right to food of older adults in care homes2019, Nursing Ethics
En menneskerettighetsbasert tilnærming til matomsorg ved sykehjem2016, Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin
A Human Rights-Based Approach to Challenges and Opportunities in the Process of Fulfilling Nursing Home Residents’ Right to Adequate Food2013, Nordic Journal of Human Rights
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