prorektor for utdanning Avdeling for utdanning
Diakonveien 18, 0370 Oslo
Annen kulturvitenskap, Humaniora, Kunsthistorie.
Droppet karakterkravet til sykepleierutdanningen: Her fikk de nesten 600 nye søkere i helgen2024
Vil ha Adelsteen Normann2013
Imagining America: Sensing the Wrack2023
Sensing the wrack 2023
The Possible Relationship Between Democracy and Art and Design Education Today2018
Styrking av de praktisk og estetiske fagene i lærerutdanningene2018
Experience and Understanding Through Digital Innovations2018
Wink’s Axe2018
Processes of Making and Becoming Digitally: On-line continuing education for in-service teachers in digital art and design2018
Developing a High-Quality, On-Line, and Scalable PhD Supervision Course2018
Studentaktive metoder i nettundervisning2017
Arts education and Democracy2017
Experience teaching humanities based courses in teacher education on-line2017
Visible on Wikipedia2015
Lærerutdannings kunst og håndverk – fortid og fremtid2013
Norwegian-Russian School-related Cultural Exchange: Aims, Outcomes and Aspirations2013
Social Media Communication Strategies for New Knowledge Development with Younger Audiences2013
Nasjonal fagseminar om kunstfaglig kvalifikasjonsrammeverk for kunstfagskoler i Norge2012
The Small Regional Museum: New media, new publics, new future?2012
Evolution or Revolution: New Media, New Dialogue and New Practice in Museum Pedagogy2012
Den myke kunstens harde presentasjon Forskningsperspektiv på kunstfag og utdanning2008
Likt og ulikt til en retorisk kunstfagsdidaktikk Kommentarer til Bjørg Tronshart og Nina Goga2008
Formidling med blanke ark?2008
Hvordan formidle kunst til barn?2008
Museums and the Norwegian Cultural Rucksack and Seminar series conclusion remarks2008
International Dada movements2005
Guest lecture; Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas2005
Langerian Aesthetics2004
Methodology and Practice: The Construction of a Research Question, Looking into Langerian Aesthetics2003
History of the Museum2002
Kunstnersamtale med Runa Boger og Jorunn Steffensen, med støtte fra Norske tekstilkunstnere med prosjektet SOFT moment.2022
Kunstnersamtale med Harald Lien2022
Kunstnersamtale med Skade Henriksen og Annelen Røe2022
Kunstnersamtale med Victor Lind2022
Studenters suksess i høyere utdanning og Kompetansenettverket2022
Arts and Cultural Education in Norway - Diversity, integration and arts2012
Skriftlig formidlingsprosjekt om arbeidet Governmental Operations ved Nora Joung 2022
BUILDING RESEARCH COMMUNITIES In-Practice Teaching Methods for On-Line Education and Research in Digital Art and Digital Competency for In-Service Teachers2018
Conference paper: starting with tabula rasa2008
Conference paper response: Museum exhibitions2008
Conference Paper2008
International conference2008
International conference: Multiculturalism for the future2008
International conference: Site and Art Symposium2007
Paper: Duchamp, Schwitters and Modernism2006
Presentation: Symbolic Order2006
Paper: Johan Jacob Bennetter: (1822-1904)2005
Paper: Johan Jacob Bennetter . a marine painter and his atelier2005
Paper: Lauritz Haaland - The ship architect and artist2005
Paper: Early Modernism in Europe and Norway: A Comparative Study2005
Paper: Secondary illusions in the thought of Susanne K. Langer2004
Presentation: Innovation and Art: Thinking Outside of the Box - Comunication, Change and Result2004
Conference paper: The Role of Art in Contemporary Society: Outreach Programming2004
International conference: The City and the Work of Art2004
Paper: Antony Gormley's Broken Column2003
Paper: Torbjørn Rødland and Contemporary Photography2003
Senubar fir Teachers; Rogaland Museum of Fine ARts2003
Paper: Rune Eraker and the European Classical Tradition of Documentary Photography2003
Panel Debate2003
Conference Coordinator2002
Conference paper: An Expression Theory of Art: Susanne K. Langer`s 1950s Theory with Case Studies2001
Rising Waters and Rhythm of the Tides: Coastlines as Sites for Practice-Based Arts Research and Speculative Futures with Seaweed and Kelp2022
Et eget rom i tid og sted2022
Podcasting Damien Hurst2006
Art on the Net2004
Victor Linds tidlige arbeider2022
Making Things and Teaching the Creative Arts in the Post-Digital Era: Seeing and Experiencing the Self and the Object through a Digital Interface2022, Routledge
"Hvem tegner"2022
An I for an Eye: The Collective Shaping of Experience in the Age of Machine-Mediated Art2021
KRLE-fagets estetikk og Digitale verktøy2018
Utdanningsløpet til de kreative industriene2012
Finalist IRIS Award – Perth Centre for Photography (Perth, Australia). Juried by Elias Redstone, Dr Rebecca Dagnall, Rachel Cieśla and Carla Adams. Work: "Sitting" 2021
"Sitting" (2017), IRIS Award finalist exhibition at the Perth Centre for Photography, Perth, Australia. 2021
Norwegian Sublime2018
Co-kurator og leder av kunstutvalget 2016
Kunstprosjekt 1023001 UiN Byggetrinn 6A2016
Eidsvoll ungdomsenhet2016
Kongsvingerfengsel - ny celleavdeling (Kunstprosjekt 1002702)2016
Jeg fant jeg fant – alt er ikke slik du tror det er ser du (Anne Katrine Dolven)2016
Cut and Surface2009
New Religion, Damien Hirst2006
Symbolic Order2006
Profile Series 20042005
The Paterson Project: Sverre Wyller2005
Hamlet's Kronborg: Ida Lorentzen2005
Roland Lengauer - Sculpture2005
Per Gjemre Retrospective2004
Jan Groth's Collection2004
Et kort eventyr i skogen2004
Broken Column, Antony Gormley2003
Profile Series 20022003
Børge Kalvig2003
Amerikanske Sommerfugler / American Butterflies2003
Nordahl Eide - The last 20 years2003
Juvenarte - Annual Exhibition and Showcase for Norwegian Students Abroad2002
Utopia, Group Exihibition2000
Mer enn det du ser, mer enn det du aner2018
ANMELDELSE: Mellom masker, livet og patroner2018
Why we need some perspective on landscape photography in the Instagram age2018
Nakenhet i kunsten2018
Prangende, tergende og leken fandenskap2017
Den skitne sannheten2017
Stavanger as European Cultural Capital in 20082008
Kulturbeitet: Discussing Damien Hirst with Curator from Gallery Kaare Berntsen2006
Frokost TV (Breakfast television): Introducing Damien Hirst2006
Introducing Damien Hirst2006
Broken Column2005
Artist talk with Ida Lorentzen2005
Norge Rundt: About the painter Lars Hertervig2005
Kulturbeitet: Comments on "The Culture lift: 15 points supporting culture"2005
Kulturbeitet: Comments on the new Norwegian Minister of Culture2005
Kulturbeitet: Comments on the sculpture project Broken Column2003
Kulturbeitet: Comments on educational programming for children2001
The City of Bodø and The County of Nordland’s application to be a European Capital of Culture in 20242017
Social media: between museums and their publics 2017
Styrking av de praktiske og estetiske fagene i lærerutdanningene2017, Universitets- og høgskolerådet
Statoil International Art Collection: International corporate art strategy and policy architect2004, Statoil
Museologiske og kunsthistoriske refleksjoner over "Objects and Imagination: Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning"2016, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Et delvis vellykket regionalt forsøk med bismak - Kunstkritikk Nordland Fylkeskommunes kunstsamling2015, Se Kunst Magasin
Utforskende og ambisiøs - Hands on/Hands off2015, Se Kunst Magasin
Vanvittig bred og overraskende dyp2013, Se Kunst Magasin
Rolig posisjonering2013, Se Kunst Magasin
Det lyser i fyret2013, Se Kunst Magasin
En sindig frigjørelse2012, Billedkunst (Oslo)
Nordic Art Review Reviewed2012, Billedkunst (Oslo)
Et godt forsøk2012, Billedkunst (Oslo)
Visible on the Web2015
Aldri for sent for et kunstmuseum2013, Avisa Nordland
- Og navnet er 707! Nordlands Trompet2012, Avisa Nordland
Den koselige skolesekken - Nordlands Trompet2012, Avisa Nordland
Stuntteater - Hedre vaskekona2013
Bortgjemte kunstskatter2012, Avisa Nordland
Delt syn på Stormen2012, Avisa Nordland
RLE (estetikk og kunsthistorie): Vestlig Billedkunst og arkitektur2012, Universitetet i Nordland
Adventure Knowledge - Art, Architecture and Cultural Heritage, Parts 1 and 22012, Universitetet i Nordland
Public, Publics and Problematic Politics: Reviewing the Art Museum2008, Art History
Susanne K. Langer: A Theory of Art and its Application to Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko's Works of Art2003, Leuven University Press
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