Social Network Enhancement: Bridging and Bonding the Social Networks of Child Welfare Involved Youth
2024, Child & Family Social Work
Mulighet for læring mellom arbeidsliv og utdanning for sosionomstudenter
2024, Læring om læring
Foster carers´views of the transition from foster care to adulhood for young people with mental health problems form a life-course perspective
2023, Nordic Social Work Research
Hvordan gir ansatte i barnevernet råd til foreldre? En analyse av rådgivning i hjelpetiltaket «råd og veiledning»
2023, Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern
When young people age out of care: Foster care in a life course and network perspective
2023, Child & Family Social Work
‘My disability was my own responsibility’: An institutional ethnography of the transitional experiences of disabled young people leaving care
2023, Children and Youth Services Review
‘Disability is not a word we use’: Social workers' professional judgements about support for disabled young people leaving care
2022, Child & Family Social Work
Virksomme tiltak i oppfølging av unge med barnevernserfaring i overgang til voksenlivet?
2022, Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern
Aftercare support in Norway - Barriers to support?
2021, Social Work & Society
Terapeuterfaringer med familieråd i saker med høyt konfliktnivå i familievernet
2021, Fokus på familien
You and me and all of us: The significance of belonging in a continual community of children in long-term care in Norway
2020, Children and Youth Services Review
Supporting transitions to adulthood for youth leaving care: Consensus based principles
2020, Children and Youth Services Review
Policy values related to support for care leavers with disabilities
2020, European Journal of Social Work
Barnevernet og Nav : ulike institusjonelle logikker
2018, Fontene forskning
Young people and social workers’ experience of differences between child welfare services and social services
2018, Nordic Social Work Research
Limitations of aftercare
2018, Nordic Social Work Research
Online critical reflection in social work education
2009, European Journal of Social Work
How do the child welfare services in Norway work with young people leaving care?
2009, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies
Rollespill på nettet som kommunikasjonsoppgave på sosionomutdanningen?
2003, UNIPED
Deltakelse og beslutninger i barnevernet
2003, Nordisk sosialt arbeid
Den barnevernfaglige vurderingen i fylkesnemnda
2001, Embla