Conceptualising TechViolence Nexus: Experiences of ambiguities at the intersection of digital coercive control and (socio)digital inequalities
2024, Social Sciences & Humanities Open
Fortsettelsesvold etter samlivsbrudd – konsekvenser for mødres helse og livskvalitet
2024, Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Ordinær møter ekstraordinær: Voldsutsattes forståelser, mestringsstrategier og frigjøring fra voldelige partnere
2023, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS)
Speaking the Unspeakable: Disclosures of Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Asylum Credibility Assessments
2022, Nordic Journal of Human Rights
Why do people participate in research interviews? Participant orientations and ethical contracts in interviews with victims of interpersonal violence
2022, Qualitative Research
Men's Rights Activism and Anti-Feminist Resistance in Turkey and Norway
2022, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society
Childhood experiences of companion animal abuse and its co-occurrence with domestic abuse: Evidence from a national youth survey in Norway
2022, Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Voldsutsatte kvinners oppbruddsprosesser
2022, Fokus på familien
I skyggen av likestillingen: Voldsutsatte mødre i Norge
2021, Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Krisesentre i Norge og Covid-19
2021, Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Norwegian Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence in the COVID-19 Pandemic – Navigating the New Normal
2021, Journal of Family Violence
The social dynamics of revictimization and intimate partner violence: an embodied, gendered, institutional and life course perspective
2019, Nordic Journal of Criminology
Measuring violence, mainstreaming gender; does adding harm make a difference?
2018, Journal of Gender-Based Violence
Same but different: Polish and Norwegian parents' work–family adaptations in Norway
2018, Journal of European Social Policy
The role of family policy regimes in work–family adaptations: Polish parents in Norway and Poland
2017, Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Room for Thinking - The Spatial Dimension of Waldorf Education
2014, Research on Steiner Education
Changing men, changing times: Fathers and sons from an experimental gender equality study
2014, Sociological Review
Vulnerability as a basis for justice and equality in the Nordic countries
2013, Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift
The vulnerability approach: A way of bridging the equality–difference dilemma?
2013, Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift
'Am I rambling?' On the advantages of interviewing couples together
2012, Qualitative Research
How men became the local agents of change towards gender equality
2011, Journal of Gender Studies
Kilder til begjær, inderlighet til besvær? Om tradisjon, fornyelse og faglig refleksjon i folkedansen
2011, Musikk og tradisjon
Like Father, Like Son? The Transmission of Values, Family Practices and Work-Family Adaptations to Sons of Work-Sharing Men
2010, Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers
Part-Time Work and the Career and Life Choices of the Men from the Work-Sharing Couples Study
2010, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Den norske likedelingsmodellen - fra samfunnskritikk til hegemonisk styringsmodell
2010, Sosiologi i dag
Fathers and Sons - Gender Socialization and Intergenerational Transmission Revisited
2009, NORMA - International Journal for Masculinity Studies
Norwegian Work-Sharing Couples Project 30 years later. Revisiting an experimental research project for gender equality in the family
2009, Equal Opportunities International
Distance work: in the intersection technology, politics and organization
2008, The Journal of E-working
Distance work: in the intersection between technology, politics and organization
2008, The Journal of E-working
Farsrettigheter og mødres handlingsrom
2005, Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnevernrettslige spørsmål
Hvorfor er folkedrakt så viktig i Norge og marginalt i nabolandene?
2005, Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift