høgskolelektor Institutt for helseFakultet for helsevitenskap
Misjonsmarka 12, 4024 Stavanger
Exploring VR Simulation in Healthcare and Social Work Education: Students’ Experiences with VR Simulation as Preparation for Professional Practice2024, UNIPED
Praksisfellesskap i endring i norsk grunnskole? Læreres erfaringer med tverrfaglig samarbeid om elevers faglige og sosiale mestring 2023, Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Health Care and Social Work Students’ Experiences With a Virtual Reality Simulation Learning Activity: Qualitative Study2023, JMIR Medical Education
O21. Students’ experiences with virtual reality simulation for soft skills in higher education for healthcare and social work2024, Advances in Simulation
Solstien 3 – et digitalt læringshus med 360° videoer og tilhørende læringsaktiviteter for studenter i helse- og sosialfaglige utdanninger 2024, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Studenters erfaringer med VR2023
Innovative pedagogy; Using virutal reality simulation to develop communication and soft skills for health care and social work students2023
Students' experiences with Virtual Reality simulation for soft skills in higher education for healthcare and social work2023
Developing Relational Competence in Higher Mental Health Education 2023
Implementation of Virtual Reality in Health Professions Education: Scoping Review2023, JMIR Medical Education
Solstien 3 - et digitalt læringshus2022
Implementation of Virtual Reality in Health Professional Higher Education: Protocol for a Scoping Review2022, JMIR Research Protocols
Emosjonsfokusert terapi – sentrale begreper og prosesser i terapien2020, Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
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