Guds hånd, Maradona og Messi(as):Fotball og folkereligion i Argentina
2024, Prismet
“That bastard chose me”: the use of metaphor in women’s cancer blogs
2024, Qualitative Research in Medicine & Healthcare
Fysiske omgivelsers betydning for pårørende i palliative enheter: en foto-elisiteringsstudie
2024, Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
‘A Story of Being Invisible’: A Single Case Study on the Significance of Being Recognised When Needing Acute Healthcare in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic
2023, Qualitative Health Research
Acquiring a new understanding of illness and agency: a narrative study of recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome
2023, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Creative writing as a means to recovery from early psychosis – Experiences from a group intervention
2022, Arts and Health
“I still want to be part of the world…where I belong.” A case study of the experiences of a man with Alzheimer’s of dementia-friendly guided tours at an art museum
2021, International Journal of Ageing and Later Life (IJAL)
Nobody Dies Alone in the Electronic Patient Record—A Qualitative Analysis of the Textual Practices of Documenting Dying and Death
2021, Omega - Journal of Death and Dying
The poetics of vulnerability: creative writing among young adults in treatment for psychosis in light of Ricoeur’s and Kristeva’s philosophy of language and subjectivity
2021, Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Modes of dying in the electronic patient record
2020, Mortality
Kunsten å ta kunsten på alvor: Personer med demens på kunstmuseet
2020, Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health
Finding ways to carry on : stories of vulnerability in chronic illness
2020, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
An intimate connection: Exploring the visual art experiences of persons with dementia
2020, Dementia
Negotiating the turning point in the
transition from curative to palliative
treatment: a linguistic analysis of medical
records of dying patients
2020, BMC Palliative Care
A complex reminding: the ethics of poetry writing in dementia care
2020, Dementia
Patients' illness narratives - From being healthy to living with incurable cancer: Encounters with doctors through the disease trajectory
2020, Cancer Reports
Litterære strategiar og sjølvopplevd kreft
2018, Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Queer narratives and minority stress: Stories from lesbian, gay and
bisexual individuals in Norway
2018, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Living with life-prolonging chemotherapy-control and meaning-making in the tension between life and death
2018, European Journal of Cancer Care
Becoming a Nurse: Stories of Vulnerability
2017, Narrative Works. Issues, Investigations & Interventions
Raising the question of dignity through knowledge about tacit practices and politics: sharing learning from the Norwegian welfare state
2017, International Practice Development Journal
Reflexivity on an Empirical Study about Cancer Patients’ Perception of Good Caring in Light of Goffman’s Theory
2015, International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM)
Narratives of nostalgia in the face of death: The importance of lighter stories of the past in palliative care
2015, Journal of Aging Studies
Eierskap og fortelling: medbestemmelse i arbeid med livshistorier innen palliasjon
2014, Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin
The loss of a mother and dealing with genetic cancer risk: Women who have undergone prophylactic removal of the ovaries
2014, European Journal of Oncology Nursing
Å oppretthalde ei forteljing når livet går mot slutten
2013, Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin
Understanding cancer patients' reflections on good nursing care in light of Antonovsky's theory
2013, European Journal of Oncology Nursing
Forteljing som identitet: Eit forsøk på å lese Paul Ricoeurs omgrep "narrativ identitet" i lys av alvorleg sjuke og døyande sine forteljingar
2010, Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke
Kva er eldrepedagogikk, og kvifor treng vi det?
2002, Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Mottakinga av [Knut Hamsuns] Mysterier i samtida i Danmark og Noreg
1999, Agora