stipendiat Senter for diakoni og profesjonell praksis
Covid-19 – Beredskap og forebygging knyttet til somaliske og pakistanske innvandrere i Norge
Covid-19 – Preparedness and prevention related to immigrants in Norway [PhD project]
Nurses’ Experiences in Communicating With Immigrant Populations During COVID-19: Insights and Suggestions for Future Health Crises2024, Journal of Transcultural Nursing
Immigrants’ Experiences and Perceptions of COVID-19 Information in Norway2023, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Health-related quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer in the palliative phase: a systematic review and meta-analysis2021, BMC Palliative Care
COVID-19: Immigrants experiences with the information access in Norway2023
Covid-19 – Beredskap og forebygging knyttet til innvandrere i Norge2022
Covid-19, innvandrere og kulturkompetanse 2021
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