førsteamanuensis Fakultet for sosialvitenskap
Diakonveien 14, 0370 Oslo
I want to be a mom who is clean, who loves herself, and feels ok with herself-pregnant women’s thoughts about motherhood and their unborn child when in treatment for substance use problems2024, Human Systems - Therapy, Culture and Attachments
Reflexive attachment to the unborn child - a study with pregnant substance abusing women in both voluntary and compulsory treatment.2020, Qualitative Social Work
Rescue the child or treat the adult? Understandings among professionals in dual treatment of substance-use disorders and parenting2018, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Pregnant Substance Abusers in Voluntary and Coercive treatment in Norway: therapists' reflections on change processes and attachment experiences2018, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Substance-dependent women becoming mothers: breaking the cycle of adverse childhood experiences2017, Child & Family Social Work
Pregnant substance-abusing women in involuntary treatment: Attachment experiences with the unborn child2016, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
New Horizons in Systemic Practice with Children and Families2023, Palgrave Macmillan
New Horizons in Systemic Practice with Adults2023, Palgrave Macmillan
Veiledning i profesjonell praksis : til fagfolk som jobber med barn, ungdom og familier2022, Fagbokforlaget
Ja til begrepsmessig mangfold. Innlegg i debatten om ikke-vitende posisjon.2023, Fokus på familien
Forskning på utdanning i par- og familieterapi; teori og praksis hånd i hånd.2023
Pregnant substance abusers and their therapists in compulsory and voluntary treatment : a qualitative study: intergenerational learning, attachment processes and the wish for a normal life2018, Universitetet i Oslo
An Approach to Supervision Practice with Therapists Who Work with Pregnant Substance-Abusing Women in Voluntary and Compulsory Treatment Settings2017
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