professor Fakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap
Diakonveien 16, 0370 Oslo
Kristendomskunnskap, Religionsvitenskap, religionshistorie, Teologi.
Matposediakoniens begrensninger2023, Vårt land
Forskningens kompleksitet2022, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Sutring og systemer (svar til Petter Gottschalk) 2019, Klassekampen
Forsømt diakontjeneste2009, Vårt land
A diaconal approach to community development in the light of the sustainable development goals: 'Leaving no one behind' through exploring religious resources for creating just and inclusive communities2022
Chapter 11: The Church: In and for the World2021
Diaconia and the Church – Towards a Diaconal Ecclesiology – Reflections from Orthodox and Protestant Perspectives2021
Risen to a New Life in Christ: Baptismal Perspectives on Diaconal Ecclesiology2019
Ecclesiology on the Move: Rethinking the Church in a Diaconal Perspective2019
“Poverty Has a Woman’s Face”: Theological Arguments for a Gender-based Approach to Diakonia2016
'For Thus Says the Lord': Prophetic Diakonia as Advocacy and Fight for Justice2016
Die Teilhabe der Diakonie an der Vermittlung des Evangeliums. Solidarisches Handeln/Diapraxis als religiöse Rede im postsäkulären Gesellschaften2016
Folkekirken som sanctorum communio i lys av Bonhoeffers teologi og Barmenerklæringen2015
Diaconal Ministry in the Diaconal Church: Reflections on the Interrelationship between Ministerial Theology and Ecclesiology 2015
Reflections on core aspects of diaconal theory2014
"Mercy and truth are met together; Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other" (Psalm 85:10): Biblical and systematic theology perspectives on diakonia as advocacy and fight for justice2014
(Sichtbare) Einheit in versöhnter Verschiedenhet?2014
(Sichtbare) Einheit in versöhnter Verschiedenheit? Das ökumenische Modell der Leuenberger Kirchengemeinschaft – Grundlagen, Qualitäten, Herausforderungen2014
Ökumenische Perspektiven zum Verständnis des Diakonats. Die skandinavischen Kirchen im Horizont der weltweiten Ökumene2013
Håp og livskraft2012
Diakonitjenesten i et økumenisk perspektiv2011
Forståelsen av diakonitjenesten i Den norske kirke2011
Systematisk-teologisk grunnlag for diakonitjenesten2011
"Jeg tror på de hellige fellesskap." Teologiske refleksjoner rundt kirken som fellesskap2011
The Unity of Protestant Churches in Europe and the Compatibility of Ecumenical Agreements: The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe as an Ecumenical Model for Communion2010
Wichern international: Der Einfluss Wicherns im skandinavischen Diakonieverständnis - damals und heute. Diakonische Kirche und kirchliche Diakonie2010
Mot synlig enhet i forsonet mangfold: Den økumeniske betydningen av Leuenbergkonkordien2010
Diakonia in the Nordic region - practice and actors2009
Diakonie in den nordischen Ländern - Praxis und Akteure2009
Med Kristus som förebild2009
Update on the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission2009
Diakontjenesten i Den norske kirke i et økumenisk perspektiv2009
“If we throw the Roma out of the tent, we throw Jesus out of the tent”: Reflections on the role of religious actors in Roma inclusion in Oslo, Norway2022, The Ecumenical Journal Sibiu (RES)
Faith as an asset in a community development project: The case of madagascar2021, HTS Theological Studies
Tackling Poverty with Local Assets: A Case Study on Congregational Asset-Based Community Development in a Lutheran Church in Madagascar2020, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
God's Mission as a Call for Transforming Unity2018, International Review of Mission
""Use your talents"" : refleksjoner over en diakonal bistandsmetodes mulige relevans i norsk kontekst2017, Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Editorial RES 3/2022 Religion, religious actors, and Roma inclusion in Romania and beyond2022, The Ecumenical Journal Sibiu (RES)
Misjon, religion, diakoni og utvikling2022
Use Your talents - diakonia in practice2017
"Use Your talent": diakonal nytenkning i bistand og misjon2017
Diakonia in a Practical Perspective: Orthodox Reflections on the Background of the Syrian Crisis Interview with Abouna Alexi Chehadeh2016
Communion and mutual accountability2016
Ingen må utelates: Diakoniens bidrag til å nå bærekraftsmålene2021
The SDGs and Leave no one behind in the Digni network2021
Oppstått til et nytt liv i Kristus: Dåp, diakoni og folkekirke 2021
Global diakoni- veien fremover2019
Luther solidaritet2017
Introduction : Diakonia in a Gender Perspective2016
Introduction. Diakonia as Christian Social Practice2014
Common Threads. Key Themes from Responses to The Church: Towards a Common Vision 20212021, World Council of Churches, Faith and Order Paper No. 233
Churches respond to The Church Towards a Common Vision Vol. 2 Faith and Order Paper No. 2322021, World Council of Churches, Faith and Order Paper No. 232
Churches respond to The Church Towards a Common Vision Vol.1 Faith and Order Paper No. 2312021, World Council of Churches, Faith and Order Paper No. 231
Anmeldelse av Converting Witness: The Future of Christian Mission in the New Millenium2021, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap
A Lutheran reflection on ecclesiology in the shadows of the pandemic2021
Zukunftsperspektiven der Ökumene- Reflexionen aus lutherischer Sicht2020
Ecumenical diakonia: power and justice in a glocal world- "leaving no one behind"2020
The ordained ministry/priesthood in the Early Church and the Ecumenical Councils2017
Unity of Protestant churches in Europe: The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE), Leuenberg church fellowship2010
No church without mission: The mission of the Church in a Lutheran perspective2010
Church of Norway in Porvoo and Leuenberg. The selfunderstanding of Church of Norway in an ecumenical context2010
Wichern international: Der Einfluss Wicherns im skandinavischen Diakoniverständnis2008
Diakonia in the Nordic region2008
Towards visible unity in reconcield diversity2008
Analysis and critique of the work of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission2008
Zukunftsperspektiven der Ökumene- Reflexionen aus lutherischer Sicht2020, MD: Materialdienst des Konfessionskundlichen Instituts Bensheim
Die Flüchtlingskrise als Chance und Herausforderung für den Zusammenhalt Europas2016, Ost-West. Europäische Perspektiven
Bildungsaufgabe Willkommenskultur2015, CPCE focus
Tilsyn som gjensidig tillitsrelasjon. Kommentar til kirkens episkopé og episkopatet2014, Luthersk Kirketidende
Folkekirken i økumenisk sammenheng. Innledning under Teologisk nemnds seminar 21.3.20132013, Nytt norsk kirkeblad : for teologi og praksis
Det eneste som er sikkert er at alle skal dit: synet på døden i luthersk kristendom2011, Religion og livssyn : Tidsskrift for religionslærerforeningen i Norge
The Diaconal Church2019, Regnum Books
Diakonia in a Gender Perspective2016, Regnum Books
Folkekirke nå2015, Verbum Akademisk
Diakonia As Christian Social Practice. An Introduction2014, Regnum Books
Diakonen kall og profesjon2011, Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Kirke nå. Den norske kirke som evangelisk-luthersk kirke2011, Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Har vi bruk for bekjennelsesskriftene i en økumenisk kontekst? Luthersk identitet i omskiftelige tider2019, Luthersk Kirketidende
Good Conversations and an Open Future. The CPCE visits churches in Sweden and Finland2010, CPCE focus
Bridge or tightrope? The Church of Norway between Porvoo and Leuenberg2009, Lutheran Forum
Diakonitjenesten i Den norske kirke2009, Diakonos : månedsblad for diakoni
The Reformation was a European movement2013
Die Reformation war eine europäische Bewegung2013
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