førsteamanuensis Fakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap
Misjonsmarka 12, 4024 Stavanger
Christian migrants' encounters with the Church of Norway
Interdisciplinary supervision across cultural differences
Migrant churches in Norway
In my Father’s house there are many rooms»: Opportunities and barriers for transformation from encounters between Christian migrants and the Church of Norway2024
The Church of Norway’s encounters with Christian migrants in Norway2023
A Migrant Theology of Work: The place of work and the role of God in churches and narratives among Christian migrants in Norway2017
"I min Fars hus er det mange rom". Kristne migranter i møte med Den norske kirke2023, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
En kartlegging av forskning på kristne migrantmenigheter og kristne migranter i Norge. En rapport for Kirkerådet2021, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Møte, vokse, dele. Evaluering av Samarbeid menighet og misjon (SMM)2020, VID vitenskapelige høgskole Oslo
The diversification of Norwegian Pentecostalism: changing cultures, identities, and theologies through migration2023, Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity (JPCC)
Using Digital, Universal, and Intercultural Didactics to Improve Higher Education—A Project Protocol for a Norwegian Interactive and Collaborative Improvement Study Concerning Master’s Level Courses in “Theory of Science, Research Methods, and Research Ethics”2022, Frontiers in Education
Everyday migrant pentecostalism: Changing contexts for life and faith for migrants and migrant churches in Norway2021, PentecoStudies
Changing the World through Prayer: Prayer as Mission Strategy among Migrant Churches in Norway2018, Mission studies
The epistemology of imagination and religious experience: a global and pentecostal approach to the study of religion2015, Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology
Migrasjon og misjon: Refleksjon og praksis2022, Norges kristne råds skriftserie
Forschungszugänge zu afrikanischen transnationalen Gemeinden und Kirchen: inbesondere in Grossbritannien, Deutschland und Norwegen2022
Flyktige rom og tynne steder: En transnasjonal og spatial analyse av pentekostale migrantmenigheter i Norge2020
African Migrant Christianities - Delocalization or Relocalization of Identities?2019
Church of Pentecost International : fortellingen om en migrantmenighet i Oslo.2016
"Av alle folkeslag, stammer, folk og tungemål" : mangfold i den globale kirke i Rogaland2015
Baptism in multi-faith Europe – Reflections on lived realities from the migrant context in Norway 2019
Beyond 'Reverse Mission'? Transnational Religion, Transforming Spirituality, and Transcultural Mission among Migrant Churches in Norway2019, VID Specialized University
Increasing the Awareness of Core Discipleship Principles in an International Bible School in Norway (Applied Research Project (ARP) for the Doctor of Ministry degree, Oral Roberts University)2009, Oral Roberts University
Religion som problem og ressurs i ulike typer migrasjons- og integrasjonsprosesser2019
"God brought me here to change me" : Narratives of spiritual transformation in pentecostal migrant churches in Norway2018, PentecoStudies
Jesus synlig i det mangfoldige Norge2017
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