Andre helsefag, Ernæring, Sykepleievitenskap.
Eldreomsorg, Ernæringsepidemiologi, Folkehelse, Helserelatert livskvalitet, Hjemmesykepleie, Kulturell kompetanse, Likeverdige helsetjenester, Medisinsk simulering, Minoritetshelse.
Consequences of War-related Traumatic stress among Palestinian People in Gaza Strip
Fagartikkel (5)
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Short communication (1)
Vitenskapelig artikkel (7)
Home Care Nurses’ Experiences of the Use and Introduction of the Subacute Functional Decline in the Elderly Instrument
2023, Nursing Open
Experiences and challenges of the use Subacute and Acute Dysfunction in the Elderly-SAFE Work team coordinators experiences and challenges in the introduction and use of SAFE of in home-based nursing: A qualitative study from the Norwegian context
2023, Nursing Open
Prevalence and predictive factors of depressive symptoms among primiparae in antenatal care: A cross-sectional study in the new families programme
2023, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
The relationship of existential well–being to identity, religious coping, mental and general health among Norwegian aging women
2020, Journal of Women & Aging
Diet, nutritional status and school performance among adolescents in Gaza Strip
2011, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Sociodemographic correlates of food habits among school adolescents (12-15 year) in north Gaza Strip
2009, BMC Public Health
Overweight, stunting, and anemia are public health problems among low socioeconomic groups in school adolescents (12-15 years) in the North Gaza Strip
2007, Nutrition Research
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