førsteamanuensis Fakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap
Diakonveien 16, 0370 Oslo
“Values work – something for school leaders?” 2023
Hvordan kan ledere bidra til internalisering av organisasjonens vedtatte verdier gjennom kollektive verdipraksiser?2022
Fra verdidokumenter til verdier i praksis - en planlagt øvelse2023, Magma forskning og viten
Participation in research: experiences from collaborating with cocreators during a study among mothers of teenagers with immigrant backgrounds in Oslo2020, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
Å lære og å praktisere i sykehus - turnuslegen som student og lege2008, Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
The roles of churches and community organisations2022
Leading towards Inclusion in Communities - Unity and Diversity when Leading towards Inclusiveness2022
Identifying values through discourse analysis2022
Work on Values When Shaping Public Institutions: “What’s Trust Got to Do with It?”—Experiences from Scandinavia2020
Launches of Developing Just and Inclusive Communities; five different launches in Aug-Oct; list only one (digital)2022
Developing just and inclusive communities2022
Developing just and inclusive communities : challenges for diakonia / Christian social practice and social work2022, Regnum Books
Å ha noen er den store forskjellen. Evaluering av Home-Start Familiekontakten2020, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Ødegård, Guro, Loga, Jill, Steen-Johansen, Kari and Ravneberg, Bodil (2014): Fellesskap og forskjellighet2017, Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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