Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow Førsteamanuensis II Senter for misjon og globale studierFakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap
Misjonsmarka 12, 4024 Stavanger
Generational curses in the Pentateuch. An American and Maasai intercultural analysis [Ph.d.-project]
Ontological Bridge-building for Climate Change Mitigation in Maasailand : A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
Commentary on 1 Samuel 17:57—18:5, 10-162024
Commentary on 1 Samuel 15:34—16:132024
Commentary on 1 Samuel 8:4-11 [12-15] 16-20; [11:14-15]2024
Commentary on 1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20]2024
Ontological Bridge-building for Climate Change Mitigation in Maasailand: A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship2023
Triangulated Shalom: Ontological Bridge-building for Climate Change Mitigation in Maasailand2023
Comparative Methodologies in African Biblical Hermeneutics: Analysis of Past Approaches as a Foundation for Engaging Epistemologies in Tri-Polar Comparisons2024
Ground of Being: Reading Psalm 37 with the Maasai2024
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent!”: An Analysis of Isaiah 62 with Poetic Aurality and Tri-Polar Comparative Approaches 2022
Comparative Methodologies in African Biblical Hermeneutics: Analysis of Past Approaches as a Foundation for Engaging Epistemologies in Tri-Polar Comparisons2022
“Twin Stories of Brothers: A Comparative Analysis of Jacob and Esau with the Maasai Legend of Senteu and Olonana”2021
Twin Stories of Brothers: A Comparative Analysis of Jacob and Esau with the Maasai Legend of Senteu and Olonana2024, Religion och Bibel
Hagar and Epistemic Injustice: An Intercultural and Post-colonial Analysis of Genesis 162021, Old Testament Essays
‘If You Bless the Women…’: An Intercultural Analysis of Blessings in the Book of Ruth2021, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa
The Fruitfulness of the Vineyard Metaphor: Isaiah 5 and Beyond2023
A Wandering Aramean and the Wandering Maasai: An Intercultural, Ecotheological Dialogue2023
YHWH in the KiMaasai Bible2020
Introduction for classic religious texts in global contexts2019
Bridge-Building beyond Youth Mission Trips: Transformation through Intercultural Youth Groups Reading the Bible Together2022, Word & World
Re-envisioning Lutheran Missiology: From the Second Use of the Law to the Theology of the Cross2021, Ingång
Hannah’s Magnificat as a Leadership Principle2020, Ingång
Introduction for Classic Religious Texts in Global Contexts2019
Multi-Epistemological Exegesis: The Strength of Hybridity with a Case Study Analysis of Exod 20:4–62019
A critical study of classical religious texts in global contexts: Challenges of a changing world2019, Peter Lang Publishing Group
Torah in the Pentateuch: An Intercultural and Ontological Examination2018
Generational curses in the Pentateuch : an American and Maasai intercultural analysis2017, Peter Lang Publishing Group
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