førsteamanuensis Institutt for sykepleieFakultet for helsevitenskap
Theodor Dahls vei 10, 0370 Oslo
Public health nursing students’ and supervisors’ experiences with two different models for clinical practice – a pilot study2025
Development of Respons; a digitalized tool focusing on education quality in public health nursing education in Norway.2023
Førstegangsmødres erfaringer i sin første tid som foreldre og opplevd ivaretakelse av helsesykepleier2023
Førstegangsforeldres erfaringer første året etter fødsel relatert til mestringstro i foreldrerollen - en systematisk kartlegging av kvalitative studier2022
New Families - Innovation and Development of the Child Health Services in Oslo. Focus on perinatal mental health among parents2021
Nye Familier - forbedrer det kvaliteten på helsestasjonstjenesten?2021
Nye familier - erfaringer fra ulike aktører ved implementeringen og gjennomføringen av hjemmebesøksprogrammet. Postdoktorprosjekt (pågående 2020-2022)2021
«New Families» - Innovation and Development of the Child Health Services in Oslo. Focus on perinatal mental health among parents2021
“New Families” Innovation and Development of the Child Health Services in Oslo2021
Nye familier - innovasjon og utvikling av helsestasjonstilbudet i Oslo2021
Conducting a Mixed Methods Study on the Use of a Communication Tool about Diet at Child Health Centres2016
Slow recruitment of participants in intervention research; A threat to internal validity2016
Health literacy of ethnic minority women in Norway: a concern and challenge to public health nurses when conducting nutrition counselling2010
Health professionals’ counselling on the use of infant formula: A scoping review2024, Public Health Nursing
First‐time parents' experiences related to parental self‐efficacy: A scoping review 2022, Research in Nursing and Health
What is Known About Students and Sleep: Systematic Review and Evidence Map2021, Sage Open
Counselling parents on young children's healthy diet: a modified scoping review2017, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
First-Time Parents’ Support Needs and Perceived Support From a Child Health Service With the Integrated New Families Home Visiting Programme2023, Qualitative Health Research
Public health nurse reflections on implementing the New Families home visiting programme: A qualitative study2023, Nursing Open
Students’ top 10 priorities of research uncertainties on students’ sleep: a pragmatic James Lind Alliance approach2021, BMJ Open
The use of a communication tool about diet at the child health centre: A cluster randomized controlled trial2020, Nursing Open
Parental experience of counselling about food and feeding practices at the child health centre: A qualitative study2019, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Parental concerns of allergy or hypersensitivity and the infant's diet2019, Nursing Open
Implementing guidelines for preventing, identifying and treating adolescent overweight and obesity; - school nurses’ perceptions of the challenges involved.2017, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Counseling immigrant parents about food and feeding practices: public health nurses' experiences2016, Public Health Nursing
First-time parents’ support needs and perceived support from a child health service with the integrated New Families home visiting programme (preliminary findings). 2023
Public health nurse reflections on implementing the New Families home visiting program. 2023
Designing an intervention on counselling about food and feeding practices at the child health centre: A complex intervention study2022
Evidence mapping; a tool for summarizing research evidence related to students and sleep2021
Pienten lasten terveellisen ruokailun edistäminen [Fremme sunt kosthold for små barn]2021
Students and sleep – A story about how to succeed with data collection, a James Lind Alliance user involvement study2020
Counseling Immigrant Parents about Food and Feeding Practices: Public Health Nurses' Experiences2016
Differences in nutrition-related health literacy between Norwegian and ethnic minority mothers visiting Mother and Child Health Care Centres: Implication for nutrition communication in antenatal care2012
Mestringstro i foreldrerollen og profesjonell støtte – førstegangsforeldres erfaringer 2022
Nye Familier: Innovasjon og utvikling av helsestasjonstjenesten i Oslo2022
Helsesykepleieres erfaringer med Nye familier2022
Reflections on a complex intervention targeting healthy eating in young children2021, Public Health Nursing
Promoting healthy eating in young children: The use of a communication tool about diet in public health nurses’ counselling: A complex intervention study2020, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
Students and sleep – A story about how to succeed with data collection, a James Lind Alliance user involvement study 2020, Tidskriften Sömn och hälsa
Food between two cultures: changes in food habits and implications for health2010, Public Health Nutrition (PHN)
De får ikke sove. Studentenes manglende søvn er et folkehelseproblem. 2019, Dagsavisen
Livskvalitet hos barn og unge med overvekt2016
Helsesøster på hjemmebesøk2007
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