Hospital-to-Home Transitions for Lung Cancer Patients—A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals' Experiences
2025, Nursing Open
Physical activity and sedentary time after lifestyle interventions at the Norwegian Healthy Life Centres
2024, Primary Health Care Research and Development
Barriers and facilitators for leading nursing homes through the COVID-19 pandemic: A focus group study in Norway
2023, Nursing Open
Ten years’ of Healthy Life Centres – research and directions for future work
2022, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Healthy and unhealthy eating after a behaviour change intervention in primary care
2022, Primary Health Care Research and Development
How is motivational interviewing (un)related to self-determination theory: An empirical study from different healthcare settings
2021, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
How body concerns, body mass, self-rated health and self-esteem are mutually impacted in early adolescence: a longitudinal cohort study
2021, BMC Public Health
How are body mass and body attitude impacted by a behaviour change intervention in primary care? A pragmatic randomised controlled trial
2020, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
The Norwegian Healthy Life Centre Study: A pragmatic RCT of physical activity in primary care
2018, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Participants at Norwegian Healthy Life Centres: Who are they, why do they attend and how are they motivated? A cross-sectional study.
2018, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
The Norwegian Healthy Life Study: protocol for a pragmatic RCT with longitudinal follow-up on physical activity and diet for adults
2017, BMC Public Health
Stakeholders' expectations of Healthy Life Centers: A focus group study
2016, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Estimating the Cost of Professional Developmental Activities in Health Organizations
2009, Nursing Economic
Estimating the Cost of Professional Developmental Activities in Health Organizations
2009, Nursing Economic
Gir ny giv
2007, Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Evaluation of clinical ladder participation in Norway
2007, Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Job satisfaction in a Norwegian population of nurses: a questionnaire survey
2007, International Journal of Nursing Studies