Porous Pastoral Care. Priests' and Deacons' Pastoral Care Conversations in Local Communities in Norway
2023, Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice
Sjelesorg som rituell praksis: 120 møter mellom en person med demens og en prest – en casestudie
2023, Tidsskrift for sjelesorg
Experiences of meaning in life in urban and rural Zambia
2023, Archive for the Psychology of Religion/ Archiv für Religionspsychologie
Deacons as conversation partners on existential issues with older people: An empirical study in Norway
2022, Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Embodied meaning-making in the experiences and behaviours of persons with dementia
2021, Dementia
Meaning in Life for Patients With Severe Dementia: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals' Interpretations
2021, Frontiers in Psychology
Spiritual quality of life in family carers of patients with advanced cancer—a cross-sectional study
2021, Supportive Care in Cancer
Existential care in a modern society: pastoral care consultations in local communities in Norway
2021, International Journal of Practical Theology
Participation in existential groups led by Norwegian healthcare chaplains: Relations to psychological distress, crisis of meaning and meaningfulness
2021, The international journal for the psychology of religion
“If you and I and our Lord . . .”: A qualitative study of religious coping in Hodgkin’s disease
2021, Archive for the Psychology of Religion/ Archiv für Religionspsychologie
Ritual, trauma and liturgy – Memorial services in Nordic practical theology
2020, Praktische Theologie - Zeitschrift für Praxis in Kirche, Gesellschaft und Kultur
Chaplaincy in Northern Europe : an overview from Norway
2019, Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Addressing the existential dimension in treatment settings: Mental health professionals’ and healthcare chaplains’ attitudes, practices, understanding and perceptions of value
2019, Archive for the Psychology of Religion/ Archiv für Religionspsychologie
Supporting carers: health care professionals in need of system improvements and education - a qualitative study
2019, BMC Palliative Care
Sjelesorg i bevegelse : kerygmatisk, konfidentorientert, dialogisk sjelesorg - møte mellom teoretiske posisjoner og et empirisk materiale
2019, Tidsskrift for sjelesorg
Near- Death Experience Features During Various Phases Related to Unconsciousness: An Exploratory Study of Norwegian Hospital Patients
2018, Journal of Near-Death Studies
The Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire in the Norwegian Context: Relations to Mental Health, Quality of Life, and Self-Efficacy
2018, The international journal for the psychology of religion
The Challenges Of Dementia Care And The (Un)Making Of Meaning: Analysis Of An Online Forum On Carer Spirituality
2018, Dementia
Resilience for family carers of advanced cancer patients-how can health care providers contribute? A qualitative interview study with carers.
2018, Palliative Medicine
Ritual and Recovery: Traditions in Disaster Ritualizing
2017, Dialog
Existential group practice run by mental healthcare chaplains in Norway: a nationwide cross-sectional study
2017, Mental Health, Religion & Culture
Sjelesorg på plass : på sporet av dagens sjelesorgpraksis i Den norske kirke
2016, Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
«Nå er du hos Gud: Jeg vet ikke hvilken Gud du er hos, men du har det sikkert veldig bra.» Religion og ritualer ved død i skolen
2014, Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Om å stå oppreist etter katastrofen: ritualer og resiliens etter 22. juli
2014, Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin
Ritualisering etter ulykker og terror
2013, Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi
Å leve med og mestre plager i et hverdagslivsperspektiv
2012, Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin
Public disaster ritual in the local community – a study of Norwegian cases
2011, Journal of Ritual Studies
Minnegudstjeneste etter større ulykker
2007, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening