Embedded rationality and the contextualisation of critical thinking
2021, Journal of Philosophy of Education
2021, Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Phenomenological Considerations of Habit: Reason, Knowing and Self-Presence in Habitual Action
2014, Phenomenology and Mind
"Dreyfus, Merleau-Ponty and the phenomenology of practical intelligence"
2013, Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift
"Responsibility & Crisis: Lévinas and Husserl on what calls for Thinking"
2011, Analecta Husserliana :The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research
"Husserl and Heidegger on Reduction and the Question of the Existential Foundations of Rational Life"
2010, International Journal of Philosophical Studies
Phenomenological Reduction in Heidegger and Fink : on the problem of the way back from the transcendental to the mundane sphere
2009, Philosophy Today
Martinsens fortolkninger av Løgstrups språkfilosofi - et erkjennelsesfilosofisk sidesprang?
2009, Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning
The sustainability of Nietzsche's will to affirmation (Friedrich Nietzsche)
2008, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Aletheia and Heidegger's Transitional Readings of Plato's Cave Allegory
2008, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology
Phenomenological Reduction, Epoché and the Speech of Socrates in the Symposium
2008, The Southern Journal of Philosophy