Predictors for pain and functioning in patients with plantar fasciopathy one year after inclusion in a treatment trial in specialist care
2024, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Navigating Conflicting Ideals of Masculinity: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Male Partners of Women with Vulvodynia
2024, Journal of Sex Research
Occupational experiences and their importance for young peoples’ mental health
2024, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
A suffering body, hidden away from others: The experience of being long-term bedridden with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood and adolescence
2024, Nursing Inquiry (NI)
The struggle to stay physically active-A qualitative study exploring experiences of individuals with persistent plantar fasciopathy
2023, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
Facilitators and barriers to communication in rehabilitation services across healthcare levels: a qualitative case study in a Norwegian context
2023, BMC Health Services Research
Developing a Virtual Reality Educational Tool to Stimulate Emotions for Learning: Focus Group Study
2023, JMIR Formative Research
“It's all my fault”: a qualitative study of how heterosexual couples experience living with vulvodynia
2023, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Towards improved sexual health among women with provoked vestibulodynia: experiences from a somatocognitive therapy approach
2023, European Journal of Physiotherapy
The fragile process of Homecoming - Young women in recovery from severe ME/CFS
2023, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Ungdommers erfaringer med å bli bedre av CFS/ME. En intervjustudie,
2022, Fysioterapeuten
Ungdommers erfaringer med å bli bedre av CFS/ME. En intervjustudie
2022, Fysioterapeuten
“Psychometric properties of the Norwegian foot function index revised short form”
2022, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Making sense of invisible bodily changes and new ways of doing physical activity experiences of individuals following traumatic incomplete spinal cord injury
2022, European Journal of Physiotherapy
"Manoeuvring in uncharted waters - a balancing act": A qualitative exploration of treatment and improvement after mild traumatic brain injury
2022, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Bodies in lockdown: Young women's narratives of falling severely ill with ME/CFS during childhood and adolescence.
2022, Health Care for Women International
Experiences of an intensive interdisciplinary rehabilitation for people with early-stage Parkinson's disease
2021, European Journal of Physiotherapy
Toward an inclusive evidence-based practice model: Embracing pluralistic understandings of professional knowledge in health care and health care higher education
2021, Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning
Boundary work: the Mensendieck system and physiotherapy education in Norway
2021, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Experiences of self-management support in patients with diabetes and multimorbidity: a qualitative study in Norwegian general practice
2020, Primary Health Care Research and Development
The roles of healthcare professionals in diabetes care: A qualitative study in Norwegian general practice
2020, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome as an intra-active process
2019, Health Care for Women International
Approaching Intimacy, Sexuality and Ethics in the Professional Training of Physiotherapy Students in Norway
2019, European Journal of Physiotherapy
Ethical sensitivity in co-production: Openness and doubt when young women participate in research
2019, Health Care for Women International
Iatrogenic dys-appearance: First-person accounts of chronic neuromuscular disease reveal unintended harms of treatment
2019, European Journal of Physiotherapy
Hvilken betydning får omsorg i formidling til foreldre av barn med overvekt - helsesøstres erfaringer
2019, Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
Stories of suffering and success:
Men's embodied narratives following bariatric surgery
2018, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
“I enjoy the treadmill very much”: Moving beyond traditional understandings of self-efficacy in anti-obesity interventions
2018, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Phenomenology of Professional Practices in Education and Health Care: An Empirical Investigation
2018, Phenomenology & Practice
Teenage girlhood and bodily agency: on power, weight, dys-appearance, and eu-appearance in a Norwegian lifestyle programme
2018, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Space perception, movement and insight: Attuning to the space of everyday life after major weight loss.
2018, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Physiotherapists' encounters with "obese" patients
- Exploring how embodied approaches gain significance
2018, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Openness and doubt in physiotherapy encounters in lifestyle programs for children and adolescents with obesity : critical physiotherapy ethics
2017, Fysioterapeuten
Practicing physical activity following weight-loss surgery: The significance of joy, satisfaction and well-being
2017, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Critical Physiotherapy Ethics:
Openness and doubt in physiotherapy encounters in lifestyle programs for children and adolescents with obesity
2017, Fysioterapeuten
How do we learn professional ethics? Professional competences, embodiment and ethics in physiotherapy education in Norway
2017, Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning
The experience of regaining weight following weight loss surgery: A narrative-phenomenological exploration
2016, Health Care for Women International
Evidence and/or experience-based knowledge in lifestyle treatment of patients diagnosed as obese
2016, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Negotiating options in weight-loss surgery ‘‘Actually I didn’t have any other option’’
2016, Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
"Will I ever be a True Woman?"
An exploration of the experiences of women with vestibulodynia
2016, Health Care for Women International
Happily-ever-after: Personal narratives in weight-loss surgery advertising
2016, Health Care for Women International
“Then I Can Become Very Ill”: Women's Experiences of Living With Irreversible Changes in Their Viscera
2016, Health Care for Women International
Becoming a "normal" guy: Men making sense of long-term bodily changes following bariatric surgery
2015, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
"Kan slankeoperasjon være noe for deg?" : en studie av hvordan private klinikker informerer om fedmekirurgi
2015, Fysioterapeuten
Changing bodies, changing habits : Women's experiences of intervall training following gastric bypass surgery
2015, Health Care for Women International
"They think surgery is just a quick fix"
2014, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Når fedmekirurgi vurderes som "siste sjanse"
2014, Sykepleien Forskning
"Jeg er ikke operert i hodet": Kvinners erfaringer med mat og spising etter fedmekirurgi
2014, Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi
Weight loss surgery as a tool for changing lifestyle?
2013, Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Allowing one's own experiences to "count". Elaborating on inter-subjectivity and subjectivity in phenomenological studies
2013, Journal of Education and Research
Living with bodily changes after weight loss surgery - women's experiences of food and "dumping"
2012, Phenomenology & Practice
Dis-appearance and dys-appearance anew: Living with excess skin and intestinal changes following weight loss surgery
2012, Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
"My quality of life is worse compared to my earlier life" : living with chronic problems after weight loss surgery
2010, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Dilemmas in the process of weight reduction: Exploring how women experience training as a means of losing weight
2010, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being