The Impact of the New Families Home Visiting Program on Depressive Symptoms Among Norwegian Fathers Postpartum: A Nonrandomized Controlled Study
2024, American Journal of Men's Health
The impact of New Families home visiting program on first-time mothers’ quality of life and its association with social support: a non-randomized controlled study
2023, BMC Public Health
First-Time Parents’ Support Needs and Perceived Support From a Child Health Service With the Integrated New Families Home Visiting Programme
2023, Qualitative Health Research
Introducing Norwegian parents to the Circle of Security Parenting program during the postpartum period: A qualitative descriptive study
2023, Public Health Nursing
Quality of life in Norwegian pregnant women and men with pregnant partners, and association with perception of sleep and depressive symptoms: a cross-sectional study
2023, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Prevalence and predictive factors of depressive symptoms among primiparae in antenatal care: A cross-sectional study in the new families programme
2023, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Oslo’s child health service during the COVID-19 pandemic – the experiences of first-time mothers
2021, Sykepleien Forskning
Et «pålogget» foreldreskap – foreldres
erfaringer med foreldreveiledningskurset
Circle of Security-Parenting, COS-P
2021, Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
Helsestasjonstilbudet i Oslo under covid-19 – førstegangsmødres erfaringer
2021, Sykepleien Forskning