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The Word bids me go: biblical theologies of migration among Latin Evangelicals in the Nordic countries
Religionsvitenskap, religionshistorie.
The Word bids me go: biblical theologies of migration among Latin Evangelicals in the Nordic countries [PhD project]
On the Footsteps of the Faith. The Nineteenth Century Transnational Foundations of Latin American Pentecostalism2023
Unbound Bible : Empirical hermeneutics in Latin Migrant Pentecostal congregations in the Nordics2023, PentecoStudies
Gathered by the Word: Latin Pentecostal Migrant Congregations in the Nordic Countries2023, Mission studies
Do norte, vossos irmãos vos saúdam: potenciais contribuições entre os pentecostalismos nórdicos e brasileiros2022, REFLEKS-Publishing
REFUGEES AND RELIGION: ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF GLOBAL TRAJECTORIES. Edited by BirgitMeyer, Petervan derVeer. New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. Pp. xi + 332; illustrations. Hardback, $132.212022, Religious Studies Review
ITALIAN AMERICAN PENTECOSTALISM AND THE STRUGGLE FOR RELIGIOUS IDENTITY. By Palma, Paul J.. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. Pp. xix+ 254. Paper, $124.002021, Religious Studies Review
Engeberg, A. (2020). Walking on the pages of the Word of God: self, land, and text among Evangelical volunteers in Jerusalem. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 2132021, Campos – Revista de Antropologia
Do norte, vossos irmãos vos saúdam: potenciais contribuições entre os pentecostalismos nórdicos e brasileiros2022, Reflexões
Medeia: agência e humanidade da mulher2020, A Hora da Escrita
The Lord Sent Me Here: Theo-Politics of Migration by Latin American Pentecostals in Europe2020
Direito editorial: a editoração pública brasileira como um microssistema jurídico / Publishing Law: Brazilian public publishing as legal micro-system2019, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Give us this day our daily bread: The moral order of Pentecostal peasants in South Brazil2018, Uppsala universitet
Resenha da obra LANGDON, Esther Jean; GRISOTTI, Márcia (orgs.). Políticas Públicas: reflexões antropológicas. Florianópolis: Editora UFSC, 2016, 298 pp.2018, Aceno
Iglesia Cristiana Interdenominacional2016
Igreja Cristã Maranata2016
Pentecostalism in Brazil2016
Taxonomy of Pentecostal Churches2016
Pentecostalism in Latin America, Rural Versus Urban2016
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International in Latin America2016
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