førsteamanuensis Fakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap
Misjonsmarka 12, 4024 Stavanger
Innvandrerforeldres oppfatninger og opplevelser av barneverntjenester i Norge.2024
Barriers to labour market integration; challenges that welfare bureaucrats encounter in assisting refugees into work placements.2024
Developing sustainable networks for cooperation of higher education in community development and eco-social change: a practical experience from UNIMA, UWC and VID.2024
Narratives of immigrant parents reported to the CWS because of allegations of child maltreatment2024
Parenting Between “here and there”: children separated from families by migration and child welfare. 2024
Å forstå misforståelser2022
“Managing aspirations and (dis) empowerment. Norwegian work counsellors’ strategies in “activating” and assisting newly arrived refugees in entering the Norwegian labour market”. 2022
Governing the family: immigrant parents’ perception of the controlling power of child welfare services in Norway2019
Combining Help and Control Role in Social Work Practice in Child Welfare: Immigrant Parents’ Perception of Child Welfare Services (CWS) in Norway2019
Reflecting on Social Work Practices with User Experience: Parental Experiences of Child Welfare Services. An Integrative Review.2016
Parenting between here and there : Children separated from families by migration and child welfare.2024
Kultur og Kulturforståelse2024
Negotiating Otherness and Difference: Resettlement Experiences Among Somali Muslim Young Adults in Norway2022
Defining good enough parenting : Ambiguities when immigrant parents migrate to interventionist and child-centric western countries : The case of Norway2022
Foreldreskap i ny kontekst: Når mor og far har migrert til Norge2017
User involvement or aspirations management? Work counsellors’ strategies in guiding newly arrived refugees into the Norwegian labour market2023, Journal of Comparative Social Work
Governing the family: immigrant parents’ perceptions of the controlling power of the Norwegian welfare system2020, European Journal of Social Work
Navigating emotions in child welfare: Immigrant parents’ experiences and perceptions of involvement with child welfare services in Norway2020, International Social Work
Parents’ emotional experiences of their contact with the Child Welfare Services: a synthesis of previous research- a research review2018, Nordic Social Work Research
Social work and families in child welfare in Malawi : social workers considerations when placing a child outside the home2015, Journal of Comparative Social Work
Problems Facing Disabled People in Malawi: A Critical Reflection on My Encounter with a Disabled Woman in a Rural Area in Malawi2014, Journal of Comparative Social Work
The complexities in social work practice2021, Journal of Comparative Social Work
Multifaceted social work in context2015, Journal of Comparative Social Work
Å ha noen er den store forskjellen. Evaluering av Home-Start Familiekontakten2020, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
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