Social transitions in the perceptions of female circumcision by young women before and following immigration to Norway
2024, Journal of Youth Studies
«Tenk deg at du balanserer på en line»: Unges fortellinger om å få til skolen når de bor i barnevernsinstitusjon
2023, Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Voldsutsatte kvinners oppbruddsprosesser
2022, Fokus på familien
“I Could Have Been Dead”: Counterfactual Thinking and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Individuals Directly Exposed to the 2011 Oslo Bombing
2021, Traumatology
Sexually destroyed or empowered? Silencing female genital cutting in close relationships
2020, Culture, Health and Sexuality
‘Why did I circumcise him?’ Unexpected comparisons to male circumcision in a qualitative study on female genital cutting among Kurdish-Norwegians
2020, Ethnicities
Mothering and everyday life during and in the aftermath of domestic violence among women with immigrant backgrounds in Norway
2019, Child & Family Social Work
Significance of Leaders for Sustained Use of Evidence-Based Practices: A Qualitative Focus-Group Study with Mental Health Practitioners
2019, Community mental health journal
“We are not weak, we just experience domestic violence”—Immigrant women's experiences of encounters with service providers as a result of domestic violence
2018, Child & Family Social Work
Da skjønte jeg at nå smeller det snart: Voksne som opplevde vold i barndommen ser tilbake
2018, Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern
Rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic diseases: Patient experiences of a structured goal planning and tailored follow-up programme
2017, SAGE Open Medicine
Patients' Perspectives on Information and Communication About Sexual and Relational Issues in Rheumatology Health Care
2017, Musculoskeletal Care
Balancing fatherhood: Experiences of fatherhood among men with a difficult past
2015, Qualitative Social Work
Becoming a mother through culture
2013, Qualitative Inquiry
”Vi snakker om mensen og sånn, men ikke omskjæring”: Omskjæring som tema blant jenter med minoritetsbakgrunn
2012, Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
"It is about taking grips and not let myself be ravaged by my body": A qualitative study of outcomes from in-patient multidisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with chronic rheumatic diseases
2012, Disability and Rehabilitation
"I am not only a disease, I am so much more". Patients with rheumatic diseases' experiences of an emotion-focused group intervention
2011, Patient Education and Counseling
Rheumatic Diseases and Sexuality: Disease Impact and Self-Management Strategies
2011, Arthritis Care and Research
‘I have come here to learn how to cope with my illness, not to be cured’: A Qualitative Study of Patient Expectations Prior to a One-Week Self-Management Programme
2011, Musculoskeletal Care
Boys' bodies and the constitution of adolescent masculinities
2011, Sport, Education and Society
Når far ikke lenger er riset bak speilet? Grensesetting og foreldreskap i en omskiftelig tid
2010, Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Oppvekst i dagens Norge i en tid med globalisering
2010, Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Bodily practices and discourses of hetero-femininity: girls’ constitution of subjectivities in their social transition between childhood and adolescence
2009, Gender and Education
Den nye kulturpsykologien
2005, Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi
Jenter i virvelvind: Konstruksjoner av kjønn, alder og etnisitet blant jenter i 12-14 års alderen
2003, Kvinneforskning
Hvilket 'menneske' trer fram av psykologisk forskning: En diskusjon av metode og menneskesyn
2000, Psykologisk tidsskrift