A case study on experiences with integrated technologies in a care home for older adults
2025, Geriatric Nursing
Health Professionals’ Experiences with Health-Promoting Dialogues for Older Home-Dwellers—A Qualitative Study
2024, Behavioral Sciences
Older people's experiences of vulnerability in a trust-based welfare society affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
2024, Nursing Inquiry (NI)
First-Time Parents’ Support Needs and Perceived Support From a Child Health Service With the Integrated New Families Home Visiting Programme
2023, Qualitative Health Research
Experienced barriers in the use of ICT for social interaction in older adults ageing in place: a qualitative systematic review protocol (SYSR-D-22–00848)
2023, Systematic Reviews
‘A Story of Being Invisible’: A Single Case Study on the Significance of Being Recognised When Needing Acute Healthcare in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic
2023, Qualitative Health Research
Welfare technology interventions among older people living at home—A systematic review of RCT studies
2023, PLOS Digital Health
‘Brain fog’, guilt, and gratitude: experiences of symptoms and life changes in older survivors 6 months after hospitalisation for COVID-19
2022, European Geriatric Medicine
Older patients’ perspectives on illness and healthcare during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic
2022, Nursing Ethics
“This path I must walk alone”. Challenges experienced by older patients while recovering from severe COVID-19 – a qualitative study
2022, BMC Geriatrics
Mobility and Depressive Symptoms in Persons With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Dementia
2021, Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Using documentary films to teach nurses about gender and the vulnerabilities facing older men with advanced dementia
2020, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Effects on sleep from group activity with a robotic seal for nursing home residents with dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial
2020, International Psychogeriatrics
Hvordan kan avstandsomsorg påvirke omsorgsforståelser?
2019, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Hvordan kan aktivitet med selroboten Paro fremme
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2017, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Change in quality of life in older people with dementia participating in Paro-activity: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
2016, Journal of Advanced Nursing
Differences in quality of life in home-dwelling persons and nursing home residents with dementia – a cross-sectional study
2016, BMC Geriatrics
Group activity with Paro in nursing homes : systematic investigation of behaviors in participants
2016, International Psychogeriatrics
Effects on symptoms of agitation and depression in persons with dementia participating in robot-assisted activity : a cluster-randomized controlled trial
2015, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
Hvordan dementia care mapping kan påvirke pleiekulturen i en sykehjemsavdeling :
2011, Sykepleien Forskning