forsker II Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjonFakultet for teologi og samfunnsvitenskap
Misjonsmarka 12, 4024 Stavanger
Kulturvitenskap, Rettsvitenskap, Sosialt arbeid.
CAMEO Et evaluering- og effektmålingsprosjekt av aktivitets- og omsorgsprosjekt for eldre i fengsel2024, VID vitenskapelige høgskole og Frelsesarmeen
Laget rundt læreren og eleven. Tverrfaglig samskaping i Timeskulen. Sluttrapport 20232024, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
How to Change Practice and Policy to Address the Unique Needs of Senior Inmates: Insights From the Norwegian Correctional System2024, The Prison journal
Cultural Correlates of Personality: A Global Perspective With Insights From 22 Nations2024, Cross-Cultural Research
Where is the primary contradiction? Reflections on the intricacies of research predicated on activity theory2020, Outlines : Critical Social Studies
Performance-based policy in offender rehabilitation: Limitation or innovation for frontline workers in Liaison and Diversion services?2020, Probation Journal
Meeting Criminogenic Needs to Reduce Recidivism: The Diversion of Vulnerable Offenders from the Criminal Justice System into Care2019, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering
Konflikthåndtering blant minoritetsfamilier med muslimsk bakgrunn2024
Tracing the historical development of a service model for interagency collaboration : Contradictions as barriers and potential drivers for change 2021
Beyond Words: A Synthesis of Contemporary Evidence on Intercultural Nonverbal Communication 2023
Konflikthåndtering i et mangfoldig samfunn 2023
Konflikthåndtering i et mangfoldig samfunn (KOMBA) for BUFDIR2023
The Hidden Risks: Addressing Potential Intercultural Bias in Customs and Border Management. 2023
Transforming practices in and around the prison system: Activity Theory and developmental interventions supporting knowledge and workplace transformation A COLAB SYMPOSIUM2019
Transforming practices in and around the prison system: Activity Theory and developmental interventions supporting knowledge and workplace transformation A COLAB SYMPOSIUM 2019
Persuasive ways of promoting collaboration: Examples from Criminal Justice and Welfare Services2019
Mental Health and Crimnal Justice: The Need for Collaboration2018
Transforming Rehabilitation2017
Collaboration and Innovation in Criminal Justice: An Activity Theory Alternative to Offender Rehabilitation2021, Routledge Focus
Meeting Criminogenic Needs to Reduce Recidivism: The Diversion of Vulnerable Offenders from Criminal Justice into Care2018
Rehabilitation Policies: An Analysis of the Policies in UK and Brazil2018
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