postdoktor Senter for diakoni og profesjonell praksis
Diakonveien 14, 0370 Oslo
Humaniora, Sammenlignende politikk.
WP4: Disability Family
Recognizing students with intellectual disabilities in higher education2024, Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy
Vulnerability in Inclusive Research: Exploring Co- and Professional Researchers’ Experiences in a Community-Based Participatory Project on the Disability Family2024, International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM)
Beslutningsstøtte i kommunale botilbud for personer med utviklingshemming 2023, Fontene forskning
On the Viability of State-Church Models: Muslim Burial and Mosque Building in France and the Netherlands2012, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Sårbarhet i Inkluderende Forskning: Erfaringer fra et CBPR Prosjekt2024
Family Knowledge in Deafblind Research and Education: A Changing Institutional and Epistemic Landscape2023
Family Experiences and the Need for Recognition2023
Familie kunnskap og anerkjennelse i velferdsstatens hjelpeapparat2023
"It is true not a coping strategy”: Making analytic space for positive experiences in the everyday citizenship of disability families2023
Heterotopical Diaconia2022
Starting Thought from ‘Lived experiences’: Combining Auto Theory and Participatory Research 2022
Research by parents of persons with congenital deaf-blindness2022
Epistemic Injustice: Theory and Application2021
Book launch of Governing Cemeteries2021
Parents as co-researchers: participatory research in a project on family experiences with children with congenital deafblindness 2021
The Disability Family 2020
Varieties of secularism? Comparative reflections on Norway's burial domain against the foil of France2013
On the notion of Scandinavian secularity: intertwinement in public spaces, Human Rights and law2013
Book launch: Secular and Sacred? The Scandinavian case of religion in Human Rights, law and public space2013
Religious Governance on the Norwegian church-yard: Norwegian or lack of secularism?2012
Why humanists are like Muslims: an institutional comparison of religious governance on the graveyard in Norway and France2012
Lack of secularism or “Lutheran secularism”? Comparative reflections on Norway’s burial administration against the foil of France2012
On the Viability of State Church Models: Mosques and cemeteries in France, the Netherlands and Norway2010
The French and Dutch Muslim parcel compared: An Institutionalist account of Religious Governance and Secularism on the Cemetery2010
Secularism in Practice: An Investigation of the Burial domain in Europe2010
Secularism Contested: Bader versus Bhargava on the status of the Concept of Secularism2010
On the Use-fulness of Secularism as a Social Scientific Concept2010
Contextual Theory: Bridging Social Science and Normative Theory2009
On National Models of Integration versus European Harmonization and Transnational Citizenship2009
Beyond Conventional Models of Religious Governance2009
Secularization and Religious Governance in the Burial Domain; a Comparative Study of France, the Netherlands and Norway2009
On the Viability of State Church Models: Mosques and cemeteries in France, the Netherlands and Norway2009
Secularism in Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Observations2007
Secularism Revisited2007
Epistemisk urettferdighet og motstand i livet til familier med barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne2022
Graveyards and Secularism in Norway: in search of a fitting category2014
Governing Cemeteries : State Responses to the New Diversity in The Netherlands, Norway and France 2021, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Governing Cemeteries: State Responses to the New Diversity in The Netherlands, Norway and France2019, Universitetet i Oslo
Secular and Sacred? The Scandinavian Case of Religion in Human Rights, Law and Public Space2014, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Moslimbegraafplaatsen in Frankrijk: het is soms balanceren2010, De Begraafplaats
Humanisten: outcasts van Noorwegen2010, De Begraafplaats
Cemeteries in Norway; From municipal responsibility to churchly responsibility in the late twentieth century2009
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