Lived Time in Moments of Unease: Responsibility and Genuine Time in Professional Practice
2023, Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and education
The relationship as possibility and future gift in mental health encounters
2022, Phenomenology & Practice
What is Moral Disquiet and How Does the Experience of Moral Disquiet Appear in Professional Human Practices?
Facing Responsibility in Nursing, Teaching, and Caring
2022, Phenomenology & Practice
Educational failure as opening to real teaching. The case of teaching unacconpanied minors in Norway
2021, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Educational failure as a potential opening to real teaching – The case of teaching unaccompanied minors in Norway
2021, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Does Gert Biesta's book 'The Rediscovery of Teaching' matter to education?
2020, Phenomenology & Practice
On Storytelling, Teaching, Chance, and Gratitude: In Conversation with Alphonso Lingis.
2018, Phenomenology & Practice
Lived Space and Support as Interrelated Phenomena in the Context of Young People with Mental Health Problems
2018, Phenomenology & Practice
Beyond Support: Exploring support as existential phenomenon in the context of young people and mental health
2017, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Beyond rational order: Shifting the meaning of trust in organizational research
2017, Human Studies
Mollenhauer and the pedagogical relation: A general pedagogic from the margins
2014, Phenomenology & Practice
Eksistensiell refleksjon og moralsk nøling - Pedagogikk som relasjon, fortolkning og språk
2014, Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Ingen pedagogikk uten en «tom» relasjon. Et fenomenologisk-eksistensielt bidrag
2013, Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Between being and knowing: Addressing the fundamental hesitation in hermeneutic phenomenological writing
2013, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Why Mollenhauer matters: A response to Klaus Mollenhauer’s Forgotten Connections. On Culture and Upbringing. Translated into English, edited and with an introduction by Norm Friesen
2012, Phenomenology & Practice
Seeing Pedagogically Telling Phenomenologically – or Struggling with the Profound Complexity of Education
2012, Phenomenology & Practice
From where does trust come and why is «from where» significant?
2012, Phenomenology & Practice
Lived relationality as fulcrum for pedagogical-ethical practice
2011, Studies in Philosophy and Education
Reviving Forgotten Connections in North American Teacher Education: Klaus Mollenhauer and the Pedagogical Relation
2010, Journal of Curriculum Studies
"An event in sound" Considerations on the ethical-aesthetic traits of the hermeneutic phenomenological text
2009, Phenomenology & Practice
The Child Seen as the Same or the Other? The Significance of the Social Convention to the Pedagogical Relation
2009, Paideusis
"Heartful" or "heartless" teachers? Or should we look for the good somewhere else? Considerations of students' experience of the pedagogical good
2008, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
Education and the possibility of being human in a world of plurality and difference : a review of Gert Biesta's Beyond learning. Democratic education for a human future
2007, Phenomenology & Practice