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From existing to living: Exploring the meaning of recovery and a sober life after a long duration of a substance use disorder2023, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Positive and negative aspects of substance use and treatment goals among substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A qualitative study2019, Cogent Psychology
Drinking Resumption: Problematic Alcohol use Relapse After Rehabilitation. A Phenomenological Hermeneutical Perspective2015, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Cross-Cultural Gateway to Recovery: A qualitative study of recovery experiences in international AA online groups2010, International journal of self help & self care
When My Eyes Bring Pain to My Soul, and Vice Versa: Facing Preconceptions in Email and Face-to-Face Interviews2010, Qualitative Health Research
Users' and GPs' causal attributions of illegal substance use: An exploratory interview study2009, Patient Education and Counseling
"It made me feel connected" - An explorative study on the use of mobile sms in follow-up care for substance abusers2008, Journal on Addictions Nursing
Interpersonal competence in challenging encounters: Towards a paradigm shift in human services - Creating conditions for professional development through action research and trauma-informed restorative practice2022, UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Physical training for inpatients2021, European psychiatry
'I need to live a life that I can accomplish'2010, European psychiatry
Selvhjelpsgrupper mot rusavhengighet2012, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
The role of personality, locus of control and self efficacy in substance abuse2011
Health providers' perceptions of addictive behaviours and mental disorders in two addiction treatment facilities2011
Severity of substance use, education and gender predict reduction in mental distress during inpatient substance abuse treatment2010
'I need to live a life that I can accomplish'2010
Individ og fellesskap2011, Rus & samfunn
Hva er det som virker i selvhjelpsgrupper?2010, Rusfag : artikkelsamling fra Regionale kompetansesentre rus
Nærhet på avstand2010, SPOR : informasjonsavis for rus-sektoren i Nord-Norge
Fra kirkekjellere til Internett2010
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