What do the biblical books of Chronicles have to do with world peace? The CMG and the research group CollECT proudly co-host today's extended researcher's lunch, with professor Louis Jonker from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Many of VID's students will know Jonker from reading his literature in class. Jonker is visiting Stavanger, and in today's hybrid session he will speak about his newly written commentary on Chronicles for the Old Testament Library series. Jonker has stumbled upon some very interesting receptions of Chronicles text – from JS Bach legitimizing organ music in the Lutheran church, to evangelical visionaries in South Africa “receiving” a text from Chronicles to get the whole world to pray for peace!
Bring your lunch package to room 112K or join on Zoom!
11.30-12.15: Jonker's presentation
12.20-12.45: Discussion with the audience