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Our campuses

Oversiktsbilde ny campus VID vitenskapelige høgskole i Bergen


Students at VID Bergen will be linked to two campuses, Betanien and Haraldsplass. In total, VID Bergen has approximately 500 nursing students at bachelor level and approximately 350 students in their further education.

Helgelandskysten i fint vær


VID has offered decentralized part-time nursing education on Helgeland since fall 2021. VID Helgeland is situated at Sandnessjøen High School, surrounded by stunning nature. The education has a distinct rural focus, emphasizing acute nursing in the district, welfare technology/digital health services, and the nursing role in the local community.

Gult skolebygg med studenter utenfor


VID Oslo is located in a green area not far from Frognerparken. A total of 2,800 students spend their time here in a rich environment for research and education in close connection to Diakonhjemmet hospital and Diakonhjemmet Omsorg.

At VID Oslo you will experience a good student environment and good follow-up from skilled teachers. Our students have great opportunities to take part of their practice elsewhere in Europe, Asia or Africa.

Nursing students spend a lot of time in our state-of-the-art exercise room, where simulation training on advanced practice dolls is done. The students at VID Oslo have provided very good evaluations of the place of study, the level of well-being and the quality of the studies.

A modern building with a brick and glass facade with the VID logo on the wall.


VID Sandvika is located in the heart of Sandvika at Otto Sverdrups Plass 4, around 100 meters from Sandvika train station and bus terminal. VID Sandvika belongs to VID Oslo.

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VID Stavanger lies with its beautiful historic buildings in a green park area at Kampen in Stavanger.

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Kirkelig utdanningssenter nord/Girkolaš Oahpahusguovddáš Davvin (KUN) is a part of VID Specialized University. KUN VID Tromsø is located in the premises of the Siva Innovation Center, Research Park, on the campus of the University of Tromsø.