The CHCV Excellence in research project will be conducted in international collaboration which include the following groups:

  • Stavanger team
  • International Core Group
  • International Advisory Board
  • Cooperation Partners
  • WP 1: Selection of Key Sources and Discussion of Concept
  • WP 2: First Book Project: Transloyalties
  • WP 3: Analyzing Processes of Transloyalties and Intercultural Interactions
  • WP 4: Finalizing and Dissemination of Results
  • På talerstolen: Kotosalama (Madagaskar) og Årholt. Ca. 1964.
  • Missionary Berta Gilje and an African man, South Africa, 1925.
  • Et bryllup ved Emahlabatini", Kwa-Zulu Natal, ca. 1910 Postkort fra "din Ragnhild" til "Frk. Inga Fergstad, Erling Skakkes gd, Throndhjeim, Norway", poststemplet "Eshowe, Natal, OC 26.
  • School children in Tungping ready for the procession with flags and the school banner.
  • Else Ueland on horseback, Fandriana(?), Madagascar, ca.1893.