The Theological Significance of Africa and Africans in the Bible
2023, Old Testament Essays
Laamdo som alternativ gudsbetegnelse til Allah i bibeloversettelsen til Mali-fulani
2022, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap
"Vi vet noe om Zanahary som dere ikke vet": Kristningen av afrikanske gudsbetegnelser som strategisk og etisk spørsmål
2022, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap
“If a King Judges the Poor with Fairness, His Throne is Established Forever”: Approaching Proverbs 29:14 with African Interpretive Resources
2021, Journal for Semitics
David Tuesday Adamo’s Academic Context: Nigerian Biblical Studies Navigating Between African Interpretive Concerns and Western Scholarly Traditions
2021, Old Testament Essays
Isak - the son of the rainmaker - and the Bible: An example of resistance hermeneutics in Zululand around 1870
2020, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa
'Den andre leseren' som tolkningsmessig inspirasjon og korrektiv: Noen erfaringer med interkulturell bibellesning blant ungdom
2019, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap
Thou shalt not smoke: Content and context in the Lord's Resistance Army's concept of the Ten Commandments
2019, HTS Theological Studies
To the question of an ethics of Bible translation: Some reflections in relation to Septuagint Isaiah 6:1 and 19:25
2018, Old Testament Essays
The Maasai and the ancient Israelites : an early 20th century interpretation of the Maasai in East Africa
2017, Scriptura
What shall we do with the Canaanites? An ethical perspective on Genesis 12:6
2017, Old Testament Essays
The "poor" in ancient Israel - and in contemporary African biblical studies
2016, Mission studies
Pregnancy and Psalms: Aspects of the Healing Ministry of a Nigerian Prophet
2014, Old Testament Essays
Global tekst i lokal tapning
2013, Kirke og kultur
Muslim and Christian Interaction with regard to Old Testament Interpretation in Africa
2012, African Journal of Biblical Studies
The second commendmant and the question of human dignity in Africa : a creation-theological perspective
2011, Scriptura
The role of historical-critical methodology in African Old Testament studies
2011, Old Testament Essays
Old Testament studies and social transformation in Africa
2010, African Journal of Biblical Studies
Bildeforbudet i Det gamle testamente
2010, DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur
Did Prince Cetshwayo read the Old Testament in 1859? : the role of the Bible and the art of reading in the interaction between Norwegian missionaries and the Zulu elite in the mid-19th century
2009, Old Testament Essays
Malagasy Old Testament scholarship in relation to some major interpretative strategies of African Old Testament scholarship
2009, Africa Theological Journal
"A Negro, naturally a slave" : an aspect of the portrayal of Africans in colonial Old Testament interpretation
2008, Old Testament Essays
The left hand washes the right and the right hand washes the left : some remarks to the use of African proverbs in Old Testament proverb scholarship
2008, African Journal of Biblical Studies
Interpreting Solomon in colonial and postcolonial Africa
2006, Old Testament Essays
Let my people stay! : a research project on Africanization of Old Testament studies
2006, Old Testament Essays
Bibeloversettelse som fag og utdanning Bible interpretation as profession and discipline
2006, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
Bibeloversettelse som studium ved Misjonshøgskolen Bible translation as a study program
2006, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
Bibeltolkning og bibeloversettelse i afrikansk akademia Bible interpretation and Bible translation in African academia
2006, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
The first generation of African Old Testament scholars: The geographical hermeneutics of their academic training
2004, Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa
The Maasai and the Old Testament : marking the centennial of M. Merker's monograph on the Maasai
2004, Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa
Two recent research contributions from Kinshasa
2003, Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa
Is it necessary to be black?
2002, Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa
Is there a need for a pan-African and non-denominational organisation for biblical scholarship?
2000, Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa
Old Testament researchers north of the Limpopo: A bibliography of doctoral dissertations
2000, Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa
No Graven Image? Reading the Second Commandment in a Thai Context
2000, The Asia Journal of Theology
Old Testament Proverbs Studies
1999, Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship
Men det er bare én bok som leser meg! Noen linjer i afrikansk tolkning av Det gamle testamente
1999, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
Trøst, ja, trøst mitt folk! Jesaja 40-55 og sjelesorgen
1998, Tidsskrift for Sjelesorg
Some recent studies on postcolonialism and biblical scholarship
1998, Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship
Afrikansk gammeltestamentlig forskning i spenning mellom Sørs myter og Nords metoder
1998, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
The institutional context of Old Testament scholarship in Africa
1998, Old Testament Essays
It’s not only a question of money. African Old Testament scholarship between the myths and meanings of the south and the money and methods of the north
1998, Old Testament Essays
Contextualized Old Testament programmes?
1997, Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship
Should Old Testament ‘Cush’ be rendered ‘Africa’?
1997, The Bible Translator
Gammeltestamentlig forskning mellom Sahara og Zambezi
1997, Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke
Not another journal -?!
1996, Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship
Zur Funktion der Städte Judas in Jes xl 9
1996, Vetus Testamentum (Print)
Literary critical studies of Deut 4: Some criteriological remarks
1996, Biblische Notizen Neue Folge
Å lese Hosea 2 i en santal-landsby
1995, Misjon og teologi: Årsskrift for Misjonshøgskolen
Å skape guder i menneskets bilde
1994, Misjon og teologi: Årsskrift for Misjonshøgskolen
The Wordplay on el (‘God’) in Isaiah 45,20-21
1993, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
A Note on the Old Testament Background of Rom 1,23-27
1993, Biblische Notizen Neue Folge
A Note on sby/sbyh in Isa 52,2
1992, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Die Parallelismen in Jes 50,11aba – im Hebräischen und Syrischen Text
1992, Biblische Notizen Neue Folge
The serpent in Eden as a symbol of Israel’s political enemies: A Yahwistic criticism of the Solomonic foreign policy?
1990, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
Was Philistine Dagon a fish-god? Some new questions and an old answer
1989, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
Det gamle testamente og misjonen
1989, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
Gammeltestamentlig religionsteologi som ressurskilde for misjonsteologien. En presentasjon og vurdering av noen aktuelle synspunkter
1988, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
Missiology and the Old Testament theology of religions
1988, Missionalia
Søren Bruun Bugge og misjonen: Fra aktiv lekmann til passiv prest
1986, Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon
Jahve og Dagon: Et eksempel på en misjonsteologisk tilnærming til et gammeltestamentlig religionsmøte
1986, Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke